Ch. 1) Patient

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"Alright Mrs. Wanda! Just doing my last rounds before I head out! Remember to press that but-"

"I know I know. Press the button for the next nurse on call if I need anything. I know I have a bad heart but that doesn't mean I'm dumb too." The elderly lady in the hospital bed scoffs at me as she struggles to reach for the TV remote.

I quickly walk over handing her the remote, earning a fake smile from her as she snatches it from me. "Alright Mrs. Wanda. Don't stay up too late." I say switching off the light as I leave. She mumbles a "Mhm" as I walk out already tuning me out by the TV.

"Always such a lovely one." The new nurse Lexi says as she runs up next to me. "Ah she's not that bad. Just in pain. You the new nurse on call?" I ask her setting a patient form on the receptionist's desk as I make my way to the locker room.

"Yeah... I'm her nurse for tonight. She snapped at me last night, and I asked to switch patients with Ace but he said it was part of the job." She huffed out rolling her eyes as she followed me into the locker room. She sat down on the bench as I began to get my things out. His name making me nauseous just at the mention of it.

"Yeah... she doesn't like to be told what to do. Even though we know what's best for her." I giggled thinking of the first time she had snapped at me. She really wasn't all that bad, I think her husbands death really brought out her mean side too.

"I just wish we could put her out of her misery." She said rolling her eyes again.

"Hey she's not even on her death bed yet. Just came out of heart surgery!" I said slapping her shoulder as she let out a giggle. "Besides she'll be discharged in no time." I said slinging my bag over my shoulder. I quickly put in my Airpods and shoved my phone in my pocket.

"Yeah, you're right. You're off tomorrow right?" She asks following me out of the locker room now. "Yeah, sorry." I take out my phone putting my playlist on shuffle play.

"No worries. See you." She says turning to Ace as he begins to approach. I could feel her demeanor change as he walked up to her. I quickly sped through the double doors not wanting to be a part of that.

He was the fuck boy of the nurses. He made his way around the hospital and even occasionally with patients. His job would be wiped from him if any of the superiors found out. Not that they cared much to fire him. He was the clinic golden boy. Well to those who didn't know him...

My best friend quit her job working at that hospital after she found him cheating on her, sleeping with one of her patients. I never saw what other people could in him... but then again I shut him down every time he made a pass at me.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head as one of my favorite songs started playing. (I know you by Faye Webster. Highly recommend listening to it!!!)

I live in a quiet little apartment in Tokyo. The hospital I worked at was right up the road and small plaza shops filled the spaces between.

My stomach grumbled as I approached the big green SOBA sign flashing above one of my favorite restaurants. I had money to occasionally go out, so why not tonight?

"Welcome, be with you in a minute." The man behind the counter smiled as I sat at a table for one. I pulled out my phone just scrolling through social media as I waited.

"The usual ma'am?" The waiter from earlier asked as I paused my music.  

"Yes please." He smiled and walked away to prepare my food.

I enjoyed nights like these. Simple after work. Nothing but me and my music alone in a booth. Suddenly I hear a bang in the alley way next to the soba shop, the window immediately earning my attention.

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