Ch. 24) Missed Connection 🍋

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!!Content Warning!! Chapter contains smut, so if you're uncomfortable please skip ahead!!

"I forgot how cozy it was here." He spoke quietly as if he was speaking to himself as we entered my apartment. Nala meowed as she greeted him by the door. He paused, bending over to scoop her up into her arms and suffocate her in kisses. 

"Do you want a drink or anything?" I asked moving to the liquor cabinet. 

"No. I don't want to drink tonight. I want to remember these moments with you clearly." He set Nala down quickly making his way to me to me, and taking my hand off of the liquor cabinet handle as I turned around.  He towered over me, cornering me against the counter that he had shoved me against a couple weeks ago. My mind fogged with the tension at the time, but now... Now he was here under different circumstances, and the tension between us was thick enough to be cut with a meat cleaver. 

"I missed you." His eyes were gentle as they darted between mine, unsure of which one to settle on. I closed my eyes letting his finger run along my collar bone and into my hair. I missed him too. God I missed him so much. 

I felt his hand grab the back of my head, before his lips were placed against my forehead in a delicate manner, and we just stood there. I could hear and feel him breathing. His other hand ran along my other arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. My body and face was hot, but I felt chilly at the same time. 

"I missed you." I whispered, feeling him pull away. His hand stayed in my hair as he just looked at me again, which always made me nervous. 


"I have a month and a half of just being able to look at you that I have to make up for." He smiled, letting his beautiful pearly whites peak out from under his top lip, and I found myself staring just in awe at how pretty this man was. 

I looked away trying not to let him see the flustered mess I already was. I still didn't know what we were at this point. I didn't even know if having him here was smart but he insisted on walking me in. 

"Hey, what is it?" He questioned, hooking his finger under my chin to bring my face aback to his.

"It's nothing. I'm just not used to being this close to you." 

He instantly backed away, taking his hands off of me. A broken look etched onto his facial features as his eyes desperately lingered on my body. No nooo, he took it the wrong way.  "Oh my, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I didn't re-" 

My grabbed his before I pulled him back into me, instantly cutting him off as I kissed him with so much passion, that I was sure my apartment would burn down. My mind blanked, and all I knew was that I needed this man right here, and right now. He immediately untensed, getting lost in the sensation of our mouths on each other. I tugged on the collar of his shirt, just trying to get his body as close to mine as possible. 

His hands found their way back onto me, ferociously attempting to grip at everything he can all at the same time. My adrenaline surged through my veins like hot lava, and my core dripped with the passion of a water fall. 

I yelped at the swift movement of my ass hitting the counter top, not even realizing that he had picked me up. His hands quickly traced my thighs under the short hem of my dress, and his lips left mine to dig into my neck. 

"Oh my god Y/n. You're so good." He spoke between kisses and nips. I gasped feeling his hand cup my breast, and his other one begin to unzip my dress. He pulled away briefly to slip off the thin material on my shoulders, and before I knew it, he had my breasts exposed as I sat on the counter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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