Ch. 14) Anticipation

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"Let me hold you baby, please." He mumbled into my ear as we lay in bed. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me back into him. I was turned the opposite way, making him the big spoon. I was trying to appear angry at him, even though I was most definitely failing miserably.

We changed before laying down, and even took a shower together. We didn't do anything sexual, it was just nice being with each other. He washed me making sure his touch was extra gentle as he lingeringly traced every inch of my body.

His body was warm as he pulled me back into his embrace. His muscles flexed as his grip tightened on me and I felt the soft locks of his loose hair fall onto the exposed skin of my neck. It tickled as his nose nudged at it.

"I missed you Y/n" He whispered again, kissing the skin underneath my ear.

I smiled feeling him trail kisses down my neck as he drew circles on my stomach with his index finger. Occasionally squeezing the tender skin.

"I miss you Sugaru." I whispered back, reaching my hand behind me to run my fingers through his damp hair.

"I'm here baby." He whispered placing another kiss under my ear lobe. "No matter how far we are, I'm always here." I felt his head lift from my neck as his eyes fixed in a gentle manner on my figure.

"I've just gotten so used to missing you. I miss you even when you're here because I know you're gonna have to leave again. I remember the feeling I get when you leave and when you're gone, which makes me miss you when you're here." I whispered closing my eyes. He kissed my cheek, and I felt his hand wrap around my face, and gently turn me into his body.

Despite just having showered, he was so warm. His embrace was always so warm and gentle.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere anymore. I didn't want to leave, I just did what I had to, especially to keep you safe. I don't want you around the people I associate with. Of course there will be times we won't be together all the time, but I won't be gone like I was. And no matter what I'm never leaving." He kissed my forehead before pulling apart to lock eyes with me.

His gaze set on mine, as if to promise me without locking our fingers.

"I promise." He pulled me in, whispering against my lips after placing a soft kiss.

I nodded, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Baby I have something I want you to do with me tomorrow." He said kind of excitedly as he pulled my body back against his. I watched him talk, his voice was just the perfect amount of deep and soft tones mixed together.

"What's that?" I asked with a cheeky grin as I played with a piece of his long black hair in between my fingertips.

"Every year an annual celebration is thrown to honor the sorcerers that protect the people from curses in this world. The families of the fallen, the retired, and the current ones attend. Normally I don't go, but I thought maybe you'd like it. Besides I want to show you off." He smiled as his eyes darted back and fourth from my eyes to my lips.

"I'd love to go, but Sugi wouldn't it be weird if you weren't exactly a sorcerer anymore? I don't want you uncomfortable."

"No baby, I'd be like a retiree. I'd love to go with you."

I smiled and nodded as he brought my hand up to kiss it.


Hai everyone!! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating as frequently as I used to! I promise I'm trying! Also Sorry this chapter was so short. It was a filler for some big things that are about to go down. I'm just setting the stage ;) Anyways in case you can't tell we aren't exactly following the story line of JJK, but Sugaru is facing the same challenges and emotional pressure as seen in the show. I hope you guys end up liking it anyways! And yes, I'm planning on giving him the happy fairytale ending he deserved 😊😀

The next chapter will be out soon! Stay tuned!

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