Ch. 2) Stranger?

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"You never told me your name..." He whispers out as we hobble to the elevator of my apartment building.

"Oh, right... it's Y/n L/n." I say giving him a shy smile. "That's pretty." He says coldly sucking air in through his teeth again. As soon as the elevator dings we hobble up to my apartment in the 5th floor of the building.

"Sorry if it's a bit of a mess." I say reaching for my keys. I wasn't really expecting visitors to be fair.

He shushes me as I push my door open to reveal my small apartment. It wasn't the biggest, nor the smallest. It was humble and cozy and got the job done. I help him to the couch gently setting him down before I make my way to the bathroom. My furry friend already taking a liking to him as she gently brushes against his legs.

I quickly grab my first aid kit and any other supplies I may need before returning to the living room.

"What's it's name?" He asks gesturing to the purring kitty now sitting on his foot. "Oh, that's Nala." I say giving him a gentle smile. He returns a forced one before wincing again as he removes his bloody hand from his side. I quickly get out another suture kit along with cleaning supplies.

"I can give you a shot, but before I do anything I have to clean it." I said nervously looking at his still festering wound.

He nods his head as he lifts his shirt. I help him take it off gently setting it on my living room table before I access his wound. His body is tone, abs fill his stomach and his pants are just low enough to reveal his V-line. He was attractive, and honestly I found it hard not to stare at his other features.

"Okay this is gonna burn." I say bracing him for the pain as best as I could before pouring the cleaner on his wound. He hissed through his teeth as it bubbled around his lacerated skin. He flipped his head back as he gripped the side of the couch before biting his lip as he looked towards his wound again.

"See, worst part is over." I push out an awkward laugh to try and break the tension. I gently push the needle of the shot into the skin around his wound, injecting little bits of numbing serum at a time. He barely had a reaction to that compared to the cleaner.

"Why were you so hell bent on helping me?" He blurts out playing with my cat with his feet. I put the needle down reaching for my suture kit now.

"It's just in my nature. I can't just see someone injured and do nothing about it, knowing I have the power to help them..." I begin his stitches, gently pulling and tugging at the skin to be sure he can't feel it.

"If you start to feel this let me know." He nodded watching as I stuck the needle through his skin.

"Sorry for being so rude earlier." I could feel his eyes brushing over me with every move I made. He wasn't staring, but I could feel his gaze occasionally.

"No worries. People cope in different ways." I gave him another gentle smile. His face and demeanor seemed to relax the more we talked.

"It's not that I was necessarily coping, I was trying to keep you safe." He says watching me tie off the first suture.

"I can handle myself." I said smiling up at him. "Although I will admit, you are pretty big for a racoon." I joked, giggling at my own humor.

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" He chuckled out as his face folded on confusion.

"Oh nothing. I heard you in the alley way earlier knocking over trash cans. I'm assuming that's when you first got hurt, but my waiter told me he had racoons in the trash can." I giggled watching his lips curve into a slight smile.

"So you're a nurse huh? What made you want to be a nurse?" He asked, still watching my handy work form on his side.

"Honestly I'm not sure. I've just always wanted to help people. What better way then to be a nurse right?" He nodded, I could feel his eyes move to my face, which made me nervous.

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