Ch. 15)Unwanted reunion

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"How do I look?" I asked checking the reflection in the mirror as I traced over my own hips.

He paused for a moment. "Absolutely breathtaking."

I watched as his figure appeared behind me in the mirror, gently feeling the silk fabric gathered at my hips as he leaned in to kiss the top of my ear.

"Absolutely astonishing."  He placed another kiss after whispering. His breath left a trail of goosebumps throughout the surface of my body as my spine tingled from the chill.

"Impossibly perfect, Y/n." He lifted his head locking eyes with mine in the reflection of the mirror.

I couldn't help but smile as his finger traced my jaw, and his other hand set at a default on my hip.

"Stop Sugaru." I giggled watching his teethy smile grow.

"It's true." He beamed as he removed his hands to fix the cuff of his dress shirt.

I was dressed in a red silk dress that fit the shape of my body. Sugaru was dressed in a black tux with a matching red tie and his hair was in a man bun.

Sometimes I felt insecure wearing things like this out, so I wasn't so sure about the dress. Although Sugaru had always helped so much.

"Don't second guess baby. I know you, and you absolutely look beautiful." He kissed my cheek before tucking his sleeves into the tux jacket and slinging it over his shoulder to meet his other arm.

I watched the tight dress shirt he wore stretch over his flexing muscles as he pushed his arms into the jacket. His pants fit snugly but not too tight. I stood and watched. How can one person be so perfect. The sad thing is that i really feel like he doesn't even know it either.

My hand stretched out to trace his defined muscles in the tight buttoned shirt. He paused his movements as he watched my index finger, followed by my others, trace over his pecks and down his body.

I felt his breath intensity increase as I stopped at the waist band of his pants.

"Sorry Sugaru, you're just so effortlessly pretty." I whispered looking up into his now hooded eyes. He stayed silent and closed his eyes as he shook his head to disagree with the fact he was pretty. 

He opened his eyes taking me in for  a sudden desperate kiss before I could talk again.

My heart fluttered every time he kissed me.

I brought my hand down watching him finish getting dressed. He buttoned his tux in the front tucking his tie in. He looked so breathtaking. The most perfect and majestic person I have ever laid eyes on.

I turned back around just touching up my makeup and hair last minute. Sugaru adjusted my dress in the back before giving me another soft kiss.

The event started at 7:30 so we we're kind of rushing just a bit. It's currently 7:04.

I heard the keys jingle in the living room as I touched up my eye liner. With one more swipe we were on our way in no time.


The car door opened as he extended a warm hand towards me. It was a little cold out tonight so we hurried inside. It was absolutely beautiful inside. Blue and purple flower center pieces  littered every table and families gathered here and there. There was a group of people standing on stage. Looked like a group of sorcerers. They watched as we entered.

Sugaru nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he quickly looked around for an empty table. I squeezed his hand trying to calm his nerves a little as I pulled him aside to a back table. It was empty and beautifully decorated.

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