Ch. 22)The name of Love

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(I recommend the song linger by the cranberries for this one ;)

My mind raced as I laid awake in bed, staring at the spinning ceiling fan. It's been two weeks since the encounter with Sugaru as well as Nanami confessing his feelings. I found myself stuck like this, sleepless, more often than usual lately. I sighed, dragging my hands over my face before reaching for my phone. Another common habit of  mine lately.

Me: You awake?

I closed my phone, half expecting to lay here for another hour with no reply until I fell asleep.

Nanaminnn😊: I am. Why are you awake at this hour?

Me: I haven't been able to sleep lately.

Nanaminnn😊: Me either.

My heart fluttered wondering if he wasn't sleeping because of me.

Me: Why not?

Nanaminnn😊: I honestly don't know. I've been worried about you lately but even before when I worried about you I could sleep.

Me: I'm sorry. :(

Incoming Call from:
Nanaminnn 😊

I gasped, shocked as my phone lit up with his name displayed across the screen.

"Hello?" I picked up, kind of confused at the fact he was calling.

"Hello Mrs. Y/n. How are you?" He questioned. I could tell he was smiling by the way he spoke.

"I'm okay Nanami, How are you?"

"I'm alright. I actually have something to talk to you about. It's related to Sugaru."

I sat up in bed, not even meaning to. Excitement and adrenaline ran through my veins. I tried not to get hopeful, but I felt it. I felt myself grasping at that hope.

"What is it?"

"No need to act casual. I know you're freaking out." He chuckled, I could hear him shuffling around in his bed which actually intrigued me.

"Oh hush you. I am casual about it. My hope has vanished." I lied.

"You forget I know you Mrs. Y/n." I felt my face heat up, not expecting him to say that.

"Anyways, Gojo paid me a little visit at work today. He was a absolute wreck. Not a crying wreck but he was in shock. I sat him down and talked to him and he said that Sugaru actually visited him." He paused, letting me process everything.


"Because he was apologizing for leaving, he is trying to make amends Y/n. He told Gojo about the break up you two went through, and how he's trying to change for you. Gojo agreed to help him on Sugaru's terms. Y/n when Gojo came to me, he was excited." I felt my heart speed up, practically jumping through my chest.

"Did he say anything about me?" I questioned.

"Just that he was desperately trying to get you back. He's not proud of the things he's done, but he can't lose you." I heard Nanami take a deep breath after that last sentence. I know he's hurting.

"Nanami. Are you okay?"

"What? Of course I am. I just want you happy. If he's really willing to earn you back, then I'll let you go." I felt my heart twinge in my chest at his words.

"Nanami, you don't have to let me go."

"I do Y/n, because despite the fact that I want you happy, I know it will hurt to see you with him. I picked up the pieces he broke off of you. I held you when you had your panic attacks that he caused. In my eyes, Y/n, he will never deserve you. But I will never let my morals stand in the way of your happiness. So yes, I will let you go." He sighed, almost whispering into the phone now.

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