Ch. 12) Don't Speak🍋

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!WARNING! Sexual content ahead! If you're uncomfortable then please skip! Thank you<3

My gut churned with every step he took closer to me. I didn't move, feeling afraid and with nowhere to go. The man I invited into my home, the man I took care of, the man I fixed...

The man I thought I knew.

"Y/n. I'm not going to hurt you. I wanted to tell you. But I know we have different morals. You're a nurse and I knew what this knowledge would do to you. I didn't want to scare you." He gestured to my now fearful state stepping closer again. We were only about four feet away and Nala still brushed against him.

"So that makes it okay that you lied to me? That you hurt those people?" I felt tears burn in my eyes. My head was throbbing and every inch of my being wanted to run into his arms. But I knew I couldn't.

"No. It doesn't. I'm not justifying anything, just explaining why." His hands moved as he tried to explain himself again, like the old Sugaru I remembered.

"Please Y/n..." He inched forward, this time taking two steps as he slowly closed the gap between us. I still felt my heart race in my chest. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Everything in me wanted to give in to him.

I closed my eyes feeling his hand gently brush against my cheek, running his thumb along my cheek bone as he cupped my face. I missed the feeling of his hands... his warm gentle hands. I felt a warm rush of heat brush against my head before his lips pecked my nose.

What I knew about him was clouding my judgment of who he actually was. Not that I knew much about that either.


"You don't have to say anything. Don't tell me it's okay, because I know it's not. But I can't help but want you. Despite feeling so unsure of everything in my life, you were the one thing I have been so sure about through everything. I never once questioned what I wanted with you."  He spoke gently still keeping my face in his hands as his eyes held a gentle gaze with mine. His beautiful eyes...

I knew everything I was about to do... would change everything forever. I knew it would disregard everything I had ever stood for, worked for, believed in... but I needed him. I wanted him.

I threw my arms around his neck pulling him down into a kiss. His hands were quick to find my body. His body immediately reacted, picking me up to slam me against my apartment door. It was fast and sudden. The thrill sent shocks through my body as our tongues danced.

He immediately moaned into the kiss as his hands trailed down my back side to my ass. It was desperate, raw... vulnerability. They scrambled trying to touch every inch of me at once as he tried to keep me up, devouring my lips as if it were the last time we'd ever kiss.

It felt so good, but so wrong all at the same time.

He moaned again putting his hand on my chest to pull us apart. A small moment of silence sat between us as we panted. Our eyes locking as we breathed.

Finally he spoke.

"We don't have to do this." He panted out letting his forehead rest against mine. His hand moved away from my ass and back to my cheek bone again.

"I mean i want you of course... but I don't want you to f-"

"Stop talking and fuck me." I pulled him back in cutting him off, deepening the kiss as his body moved against mine. I was so eager for his touch. Not being able to have him made me want him more. The fact that i shouldn't want him... made me need him. The kiss felt hungry and desperate, it felt amazing... like him.

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