Ch. 17)Panick

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Sugaru and I had a few glasses of wine as we let our bodies be taken by the rhythm of the music. It was so freeing and relaxing. It felt so amazing to just loose myself with the man I loved. To just have a night where i don't have to care.

His hands gripped my hips firmly as I rocked my hips against him. The music was lively and the dance floor was spinning. The only thing that mattered was Sugaru and the rising feeling of lust building in my body.

Sugaru suddenly stopped, hesitating behind me as his hands fell from my hips, now holding balled fists. I turned only to find him staring at Gojo, who was quickly approaching us. His jaw clenched as he watched every stride he took.

"Sugaru. Come on, let's leave." I whispered trying to tug on his arm... it didn't budge. He didn't even look at me. My nerves churned in my gut.

"I didn't expect you to show." His voice was cocky but softer than it was when he was speaking on stage.

"I could say the same for you."

Gojo swallowed before looking back and forth between me and Sugaru.

"This why you left? This girl? A freaking nurse?" He mocked me, stepping closer for a better look. I could smell the overwhelming cologne he had laced around his neck as he leaned in to 'look' at me.

"I left because i had to." Sugaru stuck his hand out in front of Gojo, stepping in front of me as he pushed him away.

"Right." Gojo smiled almost as if he were mocking him too.

"Sugaru. It's not worth it. Come on." I tugged on his arm again, this time earning his soft gaze. He nodded gently taking my hand as we turned away.

"So, is this what you do now? Go around slaughtering cities and turning up at an honorary party with a little slut on your arm." Gojo shouted loud enough to attract a bit of a crowd.

Sugaru froze, eyes wide, jaw clenched, and his hand... his hand was crushing mine.

He dropped it spinning back around to meet Gojo, this time he was in his face.

"You watch what you fucking say about her. At least she noticed when i wasn't okay. What have you ever done huh?! I'd rather live this life than the worthless 'pretend to be happy hero' life that you do. You're only good for your powers so stay in your fucking lane and be their puppet and i'll stay in mine." His voice was loud and angry as he spoke, which only seemed to antagonize Gojo more.

"What, you want me to be mad for wanting to be the hero?! I just wanted my best friend in my life too but Sugaru does what he wants and leaves everyone but this little shit. What about Nanami or Sho-

Gojo was cut short letting a grunt leave his mouth as Sugaru punched him. Fuck. They're fighting. Throwing heavy punches.

My body won't move and the only thing coming out of my mouth are screams of incoherent words as they pound each other. A crowd stands to watch as the tall blonde makes his way through the gawking people. Gently shoving his way to them.

Nanami and a brown haired man attempt to pull them apart as they wrestle.

"Knock it off. This is a fucking banquet to honor the fallen sorcerers. I don't care if you have issues to settle but solve then else where and be respectful to the families actually trying to enjoy the event. Act like damn adults for once will you?" Nanami scolded them straightening his tie as the boys separated.

Sugaru wiped at his lip, a fresh cut plastered on it. Gojo unruffled his hair and wiped blood from his eyebrow, a fresh cut there too.

Without another word i took Sugaru's hand finally dragging him away from Gojo and out of the crowd. Nanami stood in my peripheral and i gave him a 'i'm so sorry' look as we exited the event.

He was quiet as i cleaned his wound. Even with using rubbing alcohol he barely made a peep. I wanted to talk to him but I had no idea what to say. The night was a complete mess.

"Nanami seemed really upset. I felt bad that we left so soon without saying anything to him."

Sugaru glanced at me thinking about what to say back. He was hesitant and sat quietly on the bed.

"Yeah. This event is a big deal to him. I wasn't thinking."

"How come?"

"He had this friend in high school. His name was Haibara. He passed away in a really bad fight and Nanami always takes that night very seriously. He honors his memory along with anyone else who has faced the pain that he has. Haibara understood Nanami, and even though Nanami was quiet in high school, Haibara got him out of his shell." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That's really sweet of him. He seems like he really cares about the people he loves. He seemed excited to see you tonight." I smiled thinking about how his face lit up.

"Yeah. Maybe. I'm sure he wasn't too happy after the fight. But i'm sorry, i'm not just gonna let him stand there and disrespect you like that." Finally. Finally he looked up at me, his eyes gentle yet seared with pain and rage.

"Sugaru he wasn't bothering me. He was trying to agitate you." I cupped his face tilting his face back a bit more. Somehow his cut was still bleeding.

"I don't care Y/n. It bothers me! He will not disrespect you like that." His jaw clenched and his gaze darkened. It was almost... scary. I felt my face heat up, and my heart thud in my chest. Am i afraid of him?

I stayed quiet unsure of what to say, I cleaned his wound putting a steri-strip on the bottom half of the cut that ran down to his chin.

"There you are. Gonna be good as new." I smiled at him gently kissing his head. His hands found my waist again and he pulled me in, just resting his head on my chest. I held him just letting him stay there for a while.

"You saved me Y/n. You saved me and he will never understand what that's like. I will never, ever, let anyone disrespect you." His voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.

I nodded against his head feeling him let out a sigh.

"Did i scare you tonight? I feel like you haven't talked to me much since the fight." He lifted his head back up now standing off of the bed. I sat down in his place as i watched him rummage through the drawers for some clothes. I rubbed the hand that he squeezed, feeling my chest tighten.

No i was just worried about you. I also didn't want to say anything that could possibly upset you further.

He turned giving me a gentle smile, eventually letting it fade into a worried expression. He left the drawers moving back to the bed to kneel down in front of me.

"Did something happen to your hand love?"

"No no. I'm okay."

He took it in his causing my other one to fall back into my lap. His eyes widened at the bruises sitting on the back of my hand.

"What- I... Is that- Is that from me?" His eyes welled up examining the bruises.

"Sugaru... stop you were getting angry, it was an accident." I placed my hand on top of his trying to calm him down.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry." He stood pacing again, occasionally looking through drawers.

"Sugaru? Hey sit down it's okay!"

"No it's absolutely not okay! I'm so sorry Y/n. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to fight him. We never should have gone to that fucking thing."

"Sugaru it's okay..."

His eyes were wide and I stood as I tried to calm him.

He was... He was having a panic attack.

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