Ch. 7)Special Request

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After Sugaru and I slept together, we stayed at his house for a little bit before he took me out to lunch. My shift started at 12:00 PM so he brought me home soon after to get some clothes, and then took me to work. 

He was the only thing on my mind anymore. The way he touched me, made me feel. The way he constantly wanted to be around me. I craved him so badly. 

"Y/n... What's going on with you?" Lexi stepped into the locker room behind me folding her arms as she leaned by my locker. 

"I've never seen you take so long just to do stitches." She blurted out giggling as she looked me up and down. Mocking bitch. 

"Juts thought I'd slow down a bit so you could watch how to do a real stitch." I smiled fakely at her sticking my nose in the air. I don't know how but she always seemed to follow me or know exactly where I was. 

"Excuse me nurse L/n." Another nurse peeked her head in the locker room getting my attention. 

"There is a patient who is requesting to see you. He won't let anyone else touch him." She said nervously looking back at the room with a crowd of nurses hovering outside the door. 

"Oh alright... Did he say his name?" I asked quickly dropping my stuff as I head for the door. 

"No but he has friends with him. Good luck." She smiled at me as I pushed my way past the crowd. I opened the door to find a squirming white haired man in a hospital bed. 

Another man stood in the corner rubbing the bridge of his nose with an irritated look as the white haired one continued scrambling. And to my surprise, Sugaru was sitting in the chair next to the white haired man with an anxious look on his face. It looked like his friends from the pictures on his wall. 

"Y/n?" His face immediately lit up watching me walk into the room and close the door. 

"Hey Sugaru." I said smiling as I walked over to the white haired man. 

"Wait you're Y/n?" The white haired man's eyes took me in, wracking me up and down before looking to Sugaru. 

"Dude how'd you manage to pull that?" He asked turning to Sugaru. He just smirked trying to hide a chuckle as the blonde man in the corner came over and smacked the white haired one's head. 

"Enough. You need help." He said rubbing his temples before looking at me. 

I couldn't help but chuckle at their antics. 

"So I'm assuming you already know about us? What we are?" The white haired one smirked up at me waiting for a reaction. 

"Are you all sorcerers?"

"Yes we are. This is Gojo Satoru, and I'm Nanami Kento." The blonde states pushing his glasses further up on his face.

"Great we all have names. Someone helpppp!!" Gojo whines squirming in the hospital bed as he holds his upper thigh. His leg was leaking blood through the loose pressure he had applied. 

"What happened?" I asked slipping on some gloves to cut his pants open. 

Sugaru stood and crossed his arms as he moved closer to me. Watching as I worked. 

"He was protecting a girl. There was a really bad curse following her but the curse had the ability to infect his infinity, which is what protects him. It shot a really bad blow to his leg lacerating it. Luckily we could take it out." Nanami followed in Sugaru's lead moving over to watch as I worked. 

"Okay this is gonna burn but after that you'll hardly feel it." I said before pouring the cleaner on his wound. When I tell you he squealed like a little girl... 

He sucked in through gritted teeth as the sting wore off, and soon enough I was sewing him up. 

"It's rare we have to come here. But I knew you worked here so I figured requesting you to help him would be the safest option." Sugaru states sitting back down in the chair as he watched me. 

"I'm the strongest so it's rare that I'm injured anyways. My infinity keeps me pretty much invincible other then with curses who can erase it." Gojo flaunted as he rested his arms behind his head. An annoying smirk on his face. I could feel Sugaru's demeanor change as he flaunted. 

He quickly zoned out, getting lost in his head. 

"You claim you're the strongest but you always get mad at Sugaru if he doesn't show up." Nanami snorts causing Gojo to scowl at him in a pouting way. 

"I just needed his help today but he was missing!" He says dramatically turning his head towards Sugaru who was now smirking. 

I giggled knowing that he was with me, or for that matter in me. 

"I was busy. Don't worry you're okay." He says getting up to pat his head before leaving the room. 

Gojo just pouted and folded his arms like a kinder-gardner. 

"Gojo?" A girl peeks her head in the door, her eyes immediately shooting to his wound I was closing. 

"Oh my god are you okay?" She ran over giving him a gentle hug. Making sure not to move him too much. His demeanor changed instantly the minute she popped in the room. He went from whiney to tough. 

"Yeah. I'm alright just a little scratch." She gently kissed his cheek, making a smirk pop up on his face. 

"Thank you for saving me." She smiled squeezing his hand before giving me a small smile and bow. 

"Thank you for helping him. Please send someone to get me when you're done." She smiled blowing him a kiss before leaving. 

His smile was a mile wide as he laid back in the hospital bed. 

"There you are sir!" I said giving him a smile at the stitches I just placed. 

"Thank you. Sugaru said we could trust you... and I trust him." He smiled widely before Sugaru came back in the room with a cup of coffee. 

I nodded throwing my glove out as I made my way towards the door. Sugaru followed in pursuit and Nanami just sat in the chair next to Gojo as he checked his watch. 

"I missed you." He said grabbing my arm from behind. I couldn't help but smile as he tugged me back into him. 

"We were just with each other like 4 hours ago." I said giggling as he put his finger over my lip. He kissed me, hushing me instantly. Caramel coffee lingered on his lips. 

"Oh so this is why you aren't into me." Ace blurted probably the loudest he has ever spoken. My heart dropped as Sugaru's lips left mine. 

"You lost man?" He asked looking Ace up and down. When I tell you my pussy was throbbing all over again. This man is so hot. No matter what he does.

"I believe you're kissing on my woman." He said crossing his arms. Sugaru towered over him too. Almost over everyone accept for his friends back in that room. 

"Your woman?" He asked getting closer to Ace. He immediately backed up a bit as Sugaru began to approach him. 

"Hey hey! No it's okay! He's just trying to make a pass at you." I said looking up as I grabbed his arm, trying to tug him back. 

"Fuck off Ace. You know nobody wants your STD having ass." I shot out trying to tug Sugaru back again. He ignored my tugging and continued to approach him, getting in his face.

"Learn your fucking place. If you speak to either of us like that again I'll put you in the hospital bed." Sugaru's eyes shot daggers at him as he spoke. Ace just wore the typical pussy boy snobby bitch face he always wore before rolling his eyes and walking away. 

Sugaru turned back to me tracing my hip with his thumb. 

"He treat everyone like that?" He asked giving me a sympathetic look. 

"Mostly yeah." I said looking towards the ground. 

"I'm sorry. Don't take that shit." He caressed the side of my cheek before kissing my forehead. Everything in me wanted him to make me his already. 

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