Ch. 20) Expectations

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It's been a month now, since the break up, but it feels like it happened just yesterday. 

The wound was still fresh in my heart, and he was still fresh on my mind. I thought about texting him, but every time I wanted to, the reasons not to outweighed the reasons I should, so I just didn't. And neither did he, which seemed to hurt me the most. Did he think of me like I thought of him? Does he still love me? Is he with someone else? 

"Y/n..." Nanami broke me out of the cage I once called my mind. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Uh, I'll have the Tuscan chicken bowl please." I smiled apologetically at the waitress. Nanami took me out once a week, so we could catch up. We talked briefly when he would pick me up and take me home from work. He asked me about Sugaru, and how I was doing. He really was a great friend, and such an amazing person, not to mention extremely attractive, plus the gentleman features. 

"You feeling alright?" He questioned, handing me a roll he had just buttered. I let him take me to a fancy Italian diner he had been wanting to take me to for two weeks now. 

"Yeah. Sorry. Just stuck in my head." I smiled pushing away the thoughts, he smiled back. 

"How was work today?" I questioned, stuffing my face per usual.

"Busy. I'm tired, but seeing you is nice." He smiled, removing his goggles. Dark circles were easy to spot without those things on him. 

"Nanami." I frowned at the sight. He looked absolutely exhausted. 

"Have you been over working yourself? Or is it because of me?" I questioned, putting the roll down. 

"Work is just draining Y/n. Don't think too much about it." He smiled, still seeming exhausted. 

"That's why I'm not angry with Sugaru for leaving sorcery. I am angry at what he is doing now, who he is working with, and how he hurt you, but I envy him for being able to better his health in leaving. I would feel too guilty if the though of leaving ever even crossed my mind. " He picked up another roll, this time buttering it for himself as he spoke. I didn't panic when I heard his name anymore, which feels so good. But I do still miss him. 

We spoke briefly about what Nanami could find out about him within the time before we would eat together once a week. Sugaru was now working with some pretty bad curse users, and even causing mischief around the city, which hurt so bad knowing he broke up with me to 'fix himself'. 

"If you didn't feel guilty, would you leave?" I questioned, not wanting to focus on Sugaru anymore.

"No. The world is a dangerous place. I know I was one of the chosen to protect it, so I will fulfil my duty until I no longer can, until my dying breath escapes me." He stated casually before biting into his roll. I swallowed, watching him eat. The more I hung out with him, the more he stuck in my mind as well. He was a feeling of safety, hope, and comfort. 

I smiled watching him, biting into my roll again.


"Have a good night Y/n." Nanami side hugged me, before exiting my apartment. I sighed, sitting down on my couch. Nala was quick to follow as she plopped down next to me. The TV remote was close, lucky for me because I really didn't feel like getting up to find it. As soon as I turned on the TV, gentle knocking rang through my apartment. Nanami must have forgotten something. 

I quickly opened the door, already feeling bile rise in my through. The TV remote quickly made it's way to the floor. I blinked in shock. Disbelieve. And I didn't know it was true until I heard his voice. 

"Hey pretty girl." Sugaru spoke softly, quietly. His voice rang through my ears. I have to answer, but I can't move. 

"Hi." I finally manage. 

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