Ch. 3) Left unsaid

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My eyes slowly open to the faint patter of water. I glance to my alarm that read 2:47AM. What is he doing in the shower at 2:47 in the morning? I sit up in bed rubbing my eyes before making my way to the kitchen. Nala was scratching the bathroom door waiting for Geto to reappear.

I made my way to the fridge getting out my favorite midnight snack, strawberry mochi before making my way to the pile of blankets on the couch. I quickly cuddled up in them, still a bit warm from his body heat. He must have just went to shower. Why so late? Maybe he couldn't sleep.

My mind trailed off as I reached for the TV remote. I turned on  one of my favorite binging comfort shows as I finished my snack. Nala eventually gave up on the door and came over to cuddle in the blankets with me.

She sat down and curled up, but her eyes wouldn't leave that door. Eventually the shower turned off and I could hear his faint foot steps as he stepped out. I couldn't help but let my mind wander, I couldn't help but think of what the rest of his body looked like.

Nala jumped off me to go paw at the door again the minute she heard the water turn off. He opened the door after hearing her scratch. Luckily he didn't notice me as he let her in. I immediately felt heat rush to my face as I saw the towel wrapped around his waist. The towel exposed more of his V-line than his pants did.

I quickly averted my gaze feeling the heat rush between my legs. I don't think I could handle to see anymore. At least not tonight. Nala definitely didn't mind though. She loved his attention.

"Hey, did I wake you?" He said now walking out with pants on. His previously tied up hair, now down as he rubbed it with a towel.

"Yeah, but its okay." I smiled at him noticing the tattoo on his other side. It wrapped around his back.

"I like that." I said staring in awe as he sat down on the couch next to me. We were closer than earlier.

"Thank you. I like yours too." He said gesturing to the dragon I had on my rib peeking out from under my crop top.

"I'm sorry I woke you. I just couldn't sleep." He said leaning back as he watched the show on the TV. His legs were spread enough to touch mine.

"Something bothering you?" I asked scooting a bit closer. I knew what I was doing could be dangerous, and frankly I didn't know why I was doing it. I knew I was doing more than enough for him just by fixing him. There was just something about his presence that I craved.

"Just a little worried is all. I know my best friend could handle the curse on his own, but he doesn't know where I am. Sorry I don't know why I'm telling you this." He chuckled to himself patting his lap again as Nala jumped up.

"Because I asked." I smiled at him, earning his gaze. I hadn't realized it at the moment, but I was definitely staring at him. I quickly looked away breaking eye contact as I fiddled with the hem of my blanket.

"Sorry. I'll let you rest more." I began standing up as I felt his hand grab my wrist. It wasn't urgent, but gentle. His hands were big and soft, only some parts rougher than others.

I turned to face him, his face held so much expression, yet his mouth didn't move. He quickly dropped his hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he pet Nala again.

"Sorry. I don't know what that was." He sighed looking depressed as he leaned back on the couch.

"It's okay." I smiled again. He always seemed to lighten up a bit when I smiled, which is also why I smiled so much at work.

"Goodnight Sugaru." I said stepping into my room. I could see his face light up as I used his first name. Kind of a rare sight. But so beautiful.

I laid in my bed popping in my airpods before quickly putting on some low music. No matter what I played, or what I thought about, somehow Sugaru made it into my head. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know what his life was like, what his mind was like.

I tossed and turned letting the man flood my thoughts. Eventually darkness overcame me.


I slowly woke up as my eyes adjusted to the semi-lit room. My blinds open at the perfect angle just to let the sun get a peek at me. I quickly stretched before getting out of bed. I threw my pants back on before slowly cracking my door open.

I could see Sugaru asleep on the couch, and Nala curled up on his neck. It was the cutest thing. His face looked so at peace as he slept. His chest rose and fell in the most gentle hypnotic pattern as he laid there. I couldn't help but watch him, he really was so mesmerizing without even trying.

His eyes began to flutter open making me jump a bit. I quickly moved into the kitchen stirring around for something to eat. Eventually I settled on cereal. I quietly poured a bowl after he drifted back to sleep. He must have been really tired. Even with Nala practically closing off his airways he slept like a baby.

I quietly sat down at the table and popped in my airpods. I began eating after turning on some music. My phone kept me occupied as I ate.

"Morning." A soft heavy hand patted my head as I watched his body slide into the empty spot beside me.

"Oh, good morning." I smiled putting my spoon back in my bowl. "How'd you sleep?" I asked resting my head on my hand to gaze at him. He was so pretty, even after just waking up.

"Honestly, I haven't slept like that in a while. What you listening to?" He asked gesturing to my airpods. I quickly took one out letting him put it in his ear. (Sign of the times by harry styles).

I smiled as we made eye contact, just listening to the music together. Enjoying not being alone. "Will we ever learn? We've been here before..." He hummed along to the melody, immediately making my smile grow.

"You listen to music a lot?" He asked giving me a gentle smile. "Yeah, every chance I get. You?"

"Yeah. It helps me sometimes when other things can't." He smiled down at the table, handing me my airpod when the song ended.

"You hungry?" I asked breaking the awkward tension. "No. It's fine. I was gonna leave soon anyways." He says standing up from the table. "No really, if you're hungry I'll make you something." I stood too, his body now towering over mind as I stood before him. He's got to be at least 6'3.

"Fine if you insist." He winked as he sat back down in his chair. I could feel how hot my face was, I probably looked like a blushing idiot.

"So, what are you in the mood for? Hm, how about pancakes Geto?" I wave a box of pancake batter around in the air before realizing that he was glaring at me.

"W-whats wrong?" I ask nervously putting the pancake batter down on the counter.

"No. You're locked into Sugaru now." He said squinting at me. I giggled feeling a bit of relief that he was only glaring at me for that. A blush spreading across my face as he continued to eye me.

"Alright pancakes it is." I said giggling as I turned back around to the stove.

I heard him get up, moving closer to lean on the counter next to me as I cooked him food.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You like me or something." He said in a flirty tone catching me completely off guard.

"What? N- we just met?!"



"Nobody is as nice as you without a motive." He smirked inching closer to me. His finger wrapped around my chin as he pulled me up to him. My heart was racing through my chest at how close we were. I could smell him.

"I told you it's my nature. Besides, don't you think you deserve it?" I asked gazing up into his beautiful eyes. They grew dark with my question.

"How do you know what I deserve?" He grew quiet averting his eyes to the ground after quickly letting me go. "Sorry."

He was like reading a book with missing pages. Just so hard to read.

"No, you're right. I just assumed you deserved someone who was kind to you. I mean, if you're what I think you are, you protect these people who don't even know of you... You're kind too. You just don't-"

"We do things for different reasons. I'm not deserving of someone like you. Of kindness. So don't go acting like you know me." He crossed his arms keeping his eyes lowered on the ground.

I stayed quiet while finishing cooking breakfast. Every now and then he would go to say something but in the end just ended up staying quiet.

Devotingly Yours~{Geto Sugaru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now