Ch. 13 I miss you.

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The days had seemed to go by slower and slower. I waited alone in my apartment, and sometimes in his for him to return from his "adventures".

I tried my hardest to not let my mind get the best of me. He was rarely home and when he was he was far to happy to seem like the Sugaru I remembered.

Of course it was nice seeing him happy, but part of me wondered if it was all a reflection of a broken mirror.

The last time we had seen each other, we fucked. I didn't intend for it to end like that... but it's just what happened in the heat of the moment. There was just something about that time. It felt different. Like him but a different feeling. I can't yet tell if it's good or bad.

Sugaru left early the next morning, and it's been about a week since. I go through work the same as always, occasionally stopping at the Soba shop. I've checked up at his apartment a couple times just to see if he came home and crashed.

He left a key on my nightstand before he left that morning, a key to his house. Sometimes i stay there because I miss his scent. I sleep in his bed under about four blankets cause it's cold there. But I don't stay very often. At least not without him. Nala had even gotten to the point where she didn't wait at the door for him.

It just felt like a mess, and for a while i was questioning everything I had ever known about him.

Occasionally i would get a text from him like:
Missing you pretty girl. ❤️


See you soon.

But it was never anything more. My heart aches just at the thought of him. He was a mystery. I wish he would tell me what went through his mind.

I had taken 2 days off from work. my mental health felt like it was cracking. As much as i tried to hold it together, he just stayed in the back of my mind.

I sat on my couch shoving a 3rd pack of strawberry Mochi into my face. Which even sometimes was unenjoyable because it reminded me of him.

Nala was curled up on the top of the couch. It was late and almost Halloween so I turned on a scary movie.

It had been nice at the house. Quiet but nice. I didn't relax like this much.

I sat on the couch waiting for the movie to start as my phone rang. Every ounce of my being hoped it was him. Every ounce. It almost felt unhealthy to miss him so bad.

I swallowed the hard lump in my throat and my heart throbbed in my chest. With a huff I turned my phone over to see the flashing name in big bold letters.


For a minute i thought my mind was fooling me. Was I delusional? Too hopeful? Or just fucking crazy.

I picked up moving the phone to my ear with shaking hands. Light breathing picked up from the other end.

"Hai baby."

My heart could've broken just listening to the way he talked to me.

"Hey." A short shallow response left my mouth as I processed the phone call.

"How are you?" He asked. His voice rang through my ears.

"Fine." Of course i wasn't going to tell him that him being away from me is killing my mental stability. Like duh?

"Why don't you talk to me when you're gone? Where even are you Sugi?" I chirped out afraid of the answer.

"Actually baby i'm in the elevator of your apartment building. And because i don't want anyone i'm in contact with trying to get to the most important thing in my life." I could tell he was smiling by the way his tone lifted.

Devotingly Yours~{Geto Sugaru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now