Ch. 4) Stay With Me

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The last few weeks seemed to crawl by. After Sugaru left that morning I haven't heard from him since. He still seemed to crowd my mind. I would find myself talking with some elders at work or even some close friends. I wondered sometimes if I'd ever see him again. But then I remember I was the one who found him, the one who was helping him.

I quickly pushed my thoughts away grabbing my bag to head out for the day. "Leaving early today Y/n??" An annoying ass voice followed behind me before whistling at my walk. "You should let me come home with you." He said bluntly moving in front of the double doors, blocking my way out.

"I'd rather sleep with a rabid animal." I gave him a charming fake smile watching his face grow irritated. Ace rolled his eyes as he moved away from the double doors. I put my hood up turning my music up as I continued my walk home. Today had been a day. Mrs. Wanda had passed away. She was completely fine after surgery but things just went down from there. Since I had been her nurse most of the time I had to take care of her.

We even grew close, I talked a bit about Sugaru and she scolded me for letting a stranger sleep in my apartment. A lot of people saw her for just an old mean lady. But I think she was just lonely. My eyes sting as I continue thinking about everything.

I pass by the Soba shop, my stomach instantly tugging me backwards. I knew I wasn't gonna cook tonight, if I didn't eat here I wouldn't eat at all. I sighed opening the door as I gave into my craving.

"Ah Ms. Y/n. Be with you in a second!" The usual waiter says with a smile on his face. I sit in my usual spot smiling back at him, just pushing away the rest of my thoughts as my music hummed in my ears.

"Y/n?" That same familiar voice hitting me like a brick as he questioned my name.

"Hey." I said with a faint smile.

"Hey." He says sitting down at the booth with me. He almost sounded relieved as he looked at me. His eyes were dark, his hair was down and a bit messy and there were dark circles under his eyes. He was dressed casual clothes today. My heart couldn't help but flutter at his sight. All my hoping finally made up. And the music set the perfect mood.

"Tracking you down is not easy." He said resting his head in his hand.

"Wait...? You were looking for me?" I said with a hint of hope in my voice.

"Yeah I just have bad timing. I don't know if you picked up more shifts or just weren't at your apartment when I would go look for you. I even went to your work but nobody could ever tell me where you were." He huffed out as the waiter brought over his food.

"Oh, I didn't realize you two knew each other." He smiled between us before walking back behind the counter again.

"Sorry I come here a lot." He said awkwardly pushing his food away.

"I do too." I said with a slight hope. His eyes lit up a bit as he watched me.

"Look. I don't like how we left things. I was rude to you when you had done so much for me. I'm really sorry Y/n." His eyes looked desperate as they shot back and fourth between mine. Unsure of which one to look at.

"Sugaru... It's okay." I smiled sympathetically watching the guilty look grow on his face.

"Hey... are you okay?" His eyes left mine as he stared at the fresh bowl of Soba.

"Yeah I'm alright." He said kind of coldly. Every time I bring up something concerning how he is, he shuts it down, like he doesn't deserve concern.

"How is your side doing?" I asked eager to see how it was looking.

"It's good. Almost fully healed." He smiled fiddling with his chopsticks.

"Here you are. The usual. Enjoy." The waiter brought my usual meal, giving us both an ear to ear smile.

"How has work been?" He asked digging into his food. My heart dropped thinking about it. I could already feel my eyes begin to sting.

"Hey... what's wrong?" He quickly noticed I wasn't okay, dropping his chopsticks in his food as his hand found it's way to mine. Gently rubbing it as concern filled his face.

"Uh, well..." My voice broke. "I lost a patient today. She was under my care most of the time. She had a bad heart, and surgery just wasn't enough to save her." I say moving my sleeve over my eye to dry the tears before they could fall.

"Hey. You did everything you could. I'm sure she went happy knowing how kind you were to her. Knowing you did everything you could to take care of her." He smiled sympathetically while rubbing small circles on my hand.

"Thanks Sugaru." I smiled back at him as he wiped a tear I didn't notice had fell.

His eyes lingered on my face as smiled and nodded before diving back into his food.

"I hope it was okay that I sat here. I missed you." He said bluntly with a mouthful. My heart dropped hearing the fact that he had missed me. Was he thinking about me too?

"I- I missed you Sugaru." I said keeping my eyes on him. He looked so tired. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Y/n... this is random but, you should stay with me." He said keeping his eyes on me as well. I almost choked on my food at his suggestion.

"Stay with you? What do you mean?" I asked nervously. Another one of my favorite songs playing in my airpods as we shared eye contact. (Where'd all the time go)

I took it out without thinking, just handing it to him as I waited for his answer. His eyes seemed to relax a bit after he put the airpod in.

"At my house. Sorry I know that was probably weird. What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked eagerly pushing his bowl back away from him.

"Sugaru, you need to eat." I said pushing it back towards him. "I go in late tomorrow but I have to go home late too." I said taking another bite of Soba.

"Y/n come home with me." He says again reaching across the table to grab my hand again. My heart flutters every time he says shit like that. He seemed like he had changed so much in such little time. His eyes said so many things without his mouth even moving.

"Okay." I said, smiling nervously at him. I had no idea if I was making the right decision, but I did miss him... more than someone would just miss a stranger.

The rest of dinner was kind of quiet, with occasional conversation here and there. The silence between us was comfortable, music was the only other thing filling our ears. Which was of course nice.

His eyes lit up as the song Beautiful boy started playing. To me, he was a beautiful boy. I let my eyes wander where they wanted as we finished dinner. His flirty tone would peek and tease at me with certain things he said, making me crave his presence  even more. 

We quickly said our goodbyes to the staff of the restaurant before heading the opposite way of my apartment.

"I live a bit further in town. Don't worry it's safe." He reassures before I can even ask the question. As we walk I feel our arms brush against each others occasionally. I can only hope ever so often that he will grab my hand. But he quickly shoved it in the pocket of his joggers.

Before I knew it, I was walking through the door of an 11th floor apartment. It was big, nice looking. It had a balcony and a roomy kitchen. Mine was nothing compared to this  Ir probably felt like he was sleeping in a closet.

"Wow." I said stepping in the door. His scent was everywhere I turned. It wasn't overwhelming, but it sure made me feel high.

"Your home is beautiful." I said peering through the sliding glass doors over the city. He stood leaned against the wall with a small smile on his face as he watched me prance and sniff around like a new puppy.

"Make yourself comfy. You can shower if you want to. I also have food if you get hungry later and Mochi in the freezer. I have a couch and an air mattress if you want to sleep in my bed." He said moving off the wall. My heart was screaming at me.

I nodded as a blush spread across my face. He walked over to me taking my bag and setting it down at his kitchen table. It was so big here. But it gave off his vibe. Little decoration and color on the wall.

Some pictures here and there of who I assume are his friends and family.

Devotingly Yours~{Geto Sugaru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now