Ch. 19) Important to me

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My head pounded as my alarm echoed through out my bedroom. The sunlight was far to bright to ignore, especially with a head ache. I sighed rolling over. Why did I have to wake up? Why did I have to work? Why did I have to feel this fucking heart break. My head was a prison realm fighting a never ending war with itself. I needed to get out. 

Alright Y/n... pull yourself together. You have work today. 

I pulled myself out of bed, getting a bit dizzy as I straightened. My eyes were puffy and stung, and my head throbbed like a heart beat. In fact, I can hear my heart beat in my ears. My chest was heavy, and my body ached worse than how it did when I was hung over. 

This was going to be a long day. 

I put on my simplest pair of scrubs, and loosely straightened the parts of my hair that I cared about. I threw on some light concealer to cover the aftermath of last night, but that only did so much. You're gonna be okay. 

I slipped on my watch, just getting lost in my reflection until the knocking on the door grabbed my attention. 

I quickly made my way to the door, checking the peephole just to be safe. To my suprise it was Nanami, impatiently checking his watch as he waited for me to answer. I quickly opened the door, inviting him in as I ran to get my shoes. 

"I thought you were still asleep." He spoke, stepping inside my tiny apartment, which easily made it feel extremely crowded. 

"Sorry. I was just getting ready for work." I gestured to the sneaker I was now trying to pry my foot into.

He nodded, taking a look around my apartment. Nala was fast asleep on the back of the couch, which surprisingly caught his attention. 

"What are you doing here anyways?" I questioned, moving to my other sneaker. 

He bent down to pet the sleeping kitty, giving her gentle scratches behind her ears before kissing the top of her head. It was honestly one of the cutest and unexpected things I've ever seen him do. 

"I'm taking you to work." He stated nonchalantly, giving all of his attention to Nala. 

"What? Why?" I stood, grabbing my work bag. 

"Sugaru asked me to. Besides, the world is a dangerous place. Now that you've been seen with sorcerers, people are probably looking for you. But please do not worry, I will protect you." He stood straight again, focusing his attention back on me. 

"Oh, your shift starts in ten minutes by the way so please hurry." He checked his watch again. My mouth hung open but nothing came out. How did he know all of this? 


"Have a good day Y/n." Nanami smiled, bowing before he exited the hospital. I smiled and waved after thanking him for the ride. 

"So, is that the new flavor this week?" Lexi questioned, checking Nanami out as he exited the building. 

"Oh my god, leave me alone. I have rounds." I quickly left, putting my stuff in the locker room. "What happened to that other guy? Ya know? Man bun?" She questioned following me into the locker room, making goo goo eyes as she made a makeshift bun in her hair. 

"Nothing happened. Nanami is one of his friends, and he wasn't able to take me to work today, so Nanami did." I spoke fast, trying to get this conversation over with. 

"Y/n, what's wrong? You look upset." She reached out to me, tugging on my arm to turn me. 

"Nothing is wrong. I just didn't sleep well." I shut my locker door, trying to leave the room. 

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