Ch. 8) New normal 🍋

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!¡Warning!¡ Sexual content ahead! Skip if uncomfortable!

"Five more minutes." His grip tightened around me as he whispered in my ear. His hands already wandering on my bare thighs as he leaned into my neck to lick it.

"Sugaru I have to shower." I said giggling as I pushed his hands off me and got out of my bed. We had been having "sleepovers" with each other alternating apartments occasionally. He stayed the night at my place last night after getting back into town. He was gone for about 4 days. But 4 days too long. I don't know what I would have done if it was another two weeks like when we first met.

He explained to me that sometimes he would have to go away with the work he did. If there was a curse spotted or known of somewhere then he would have to go to that town.

"Let me join you then!" He said making grabby hands. I sighed before giving in to him. He quickly got up, following me into the bathroom. We had known each other for a little over a month now. We acted like we we're in a relationship, and did things that people in relationships did... But I still didn't know if we were actually together.

Thinking about it like that made me feel like a middle schooler all over again. I turned some music on for my shower before having my clothes practically ripped off me. He quickly spun me around pressing his already hard dick against my ass as he looked at me in the mirror. His hands came up to fondle my breasts as he watched my face fold with pleasure.

The dirtiest smirk displayed across his face as he touched me.

"Just don't make me late." I said dragging him into the shower.

His lips quickly latched onto my neck, I could feel him smile as he kissed me. He lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist. We hadn't showered together yet, but as soon as the water hit his skin I swear he was glowing. The most godly looking man I have ever seen.

He waisted no time, taking what I had told him a little too seriously as he pushed his dick into me. I instantly moaned feeling his overwhelming cock press into my guts.

"Ah fuck. You always feel so fucking good." He pressed me against the wall instantly pumping into me. His lips still occasionally latched onto my neck as he thrusted. My hands tangled in his hair gripping and tugging every time he hit a sweet spot.

He was so good. The way our bodies fit and moved together, just like their own song. It wasn't long before I felt his thrusts grow sloppy, his mouth hung open ever so slightly as he gazed at me through hooded eyes.

He watched his work between us as the coil in my stomach began to snap. My core was throbbing and my clit was grinding on him in just the right way as he thrusted.

I could tell he was getting close. "Sugaru, cum in me." I moaned out grabbing his face with my hands as I pulled him in for a kiss.

"What? You sure?" He asked nervously looking from my eyes back to our bodies moving together. He was struggling to hold on.

"I'm on birth control. Cum in me." I panted out, finally orgasming around him. I felt myself clench around him which drove him crazy. I soon felt him release as his dick pulsed in me. I continued to clench riding out his high as he finished.

"Ah baby. It always feels so good when you do that." He put his head on my shoulder in the crook of my neck catching his breath as he continued holding me. He soon let me down, I could feel his cum drip out of me, immediately making me smile.

He carefully held his arms around me, making sure I don't fall because of how bad my legs were shaking. That of course made him chuckle.

"Can I wash you?" He asked kissing my forehead. My heart was screaming at me again. Or I guess really at him.

"Y-yeah." I said nervously watching him reach for the shampoo bottle. A red tint shining through my cheeks as I smiled up at him.

New Message
Sugaru<3: See you tonight pretty girl.

My heart fluttered reading his message before I shoved my phone back into my locker. It had been harder to concentrate at work lately because of everything I had been involved in recently with him.

He really was the only thing I ever thought of. Ace hadn't been bothering me as much either, which was amazing.

"So does your greek god looking boyfriend have any cute friends?" Lexi walked up behind the desk I was now sitting at as I filled out a new patient form. I smiled thinking about him.

"He's not my boyfriend. And yeah I guess they're cute, just a little odd." I giggled thinking back to the time when Gojo squealed like a little girl.

"Hm nice. Maybe you should introduce me sometime." She popped a bubble with the gum she had in her mouth before walking away. Today felt like an easy day.


No New Messages

My heart sunk as I sat on the steps out side of the hospital waiting for Sugaru. I had been here for about an hour. The day rolled smoothly by, and I couldn't wait to be in his arms again. I just didn't know when that would be.

I decided not to wait any longer and just walk home. When he was able to, he knew where to find me. Normally if he couldn't show up somewhere, he would let me know. Which worried me. I quickly hurried home, settling into my apartment.

Moments from this morning played over and over in my head like scenes from a movie. I sighed throwing my bag on the floor near the couch before making my way to the freezer for some mochi.

I sat down on the couch turning on some low music as I let sleep slowly over come me.

(Sorry guys this ch was kind of a filler. I am just setting the scene!! :) thank you all for reading <3)

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