Ch. 10) No more worries

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Sugaru took my advice, and spent the next few days with me. Even though he wasn't working, he still looked so distraught. I really wish I knew how to help him. He claims I do just by being here, so that's what I do. 

Even at night I've woken up to him either just sitting at the edge of the bed or in the kitchen. Even on the balcony of his apartment, which is strange considering the fall weather is coming in. 

"Hey baby." His face lit up as I slid the door open to the balcony. My torso wrapped in a blanket as the cold breeze brushed past my legs. He pulled me into his lap watching the city down below us through the guard rails of his balcony. 

"Sugaru, you haven't been sleeping." I looked up at him, who didn't break his stare from the city beneath us. His purple eyebags lit up with every passing car. 

"I know. It will change soon. I think I know what I'm gonna do." His demeanor was calm as he talked, before placing a gentle kiss on my head with closed eyes. 

"Whatever it is... whatever you're facing. I'm here with you. Always." I grabbed his hand that was on my thigh interlocking our fingers. He was cold. 

"I don't want you in this baby. I promise I'll figure things out." He placed another kiss on my forehead letting it linger. His lips were cold. 

"Hey. Lets go inside yeah?" I stood up reaching my hand down at him through the bottom of the blanket. He pouted at me before visibly getting a chill. 

"You were keeping me warm." He groaned and chuckled through the pout before grabbing my hand and standing up. 


Later that night Sugaru fell asleep on the couch as we watched the notebook. Although you would never be able to tell, it was his favorite movie. 

{Be back soon baby. Have something I want to take care of. Then I'm all yours.} 

I woke up to a note next to me on the couch, and another blanket piled on top of me. His scent was gone and Nala was cuddled on the blanket by me, telling me he had for sure left. 

My mind scattered questioning where he went... if he was gonna come back... I worried about him. I sighed rolling over on my back as I stared at the ceiling. I wanted him to be okay, I hoped he was even though I knew he wasn't. 

My eyes stung as I laid there trying not to cry. I wish I was more aware. I didn't even know what time he left. I knew he wouldn't text back if I texted... So I just sat... waiting. 

I had a night shift at the hospital today, and unfortunately I don't know when he'll be back. I started leaving a key on top of the door frame to my apartment outside so he could get in when I wasn't home. 

So hopefully he'll just come here. 

"Where's that tall handsome man you had here the other day." He coughs out as I switch out the fluid to his IV.

"Oh Sugaru? You saw him?" I questioned my patient. He had been there for a while recovering from a stroke. 

"I saw the way he kissed you, protected you, held you, I saw it all honey." He nods his head, his grin growing as he thought about it. 

"Oh, I didn't realize. He's working..." I turned my head away from the man just cleaning and fixing up some things in his room. 

"He seems like a good one." He smiled turning on the TV, which played "Beautiful boy". My heart sank thinking about Sugaru. I hoped with every inch of my being he was okay. 


Work felt like it couldn't end soon enough. I stumbled up the stairs of my apartment, taking them for a longer walk. 

I arrived on my floor, my heart sank as I came to my cracked open apartment door. What the fuck was going on. I took out my pepper spray creeping towards the door. Faint music coming from inside. 

I peeked my head in to find Sugaru standing in the kitchen, a soft melody playing as my kitty sat on his shoulder, he hummed as he cooked whatever was in front of him. I couldn't believe my eyes. 

"Hey baby, come in come in!" He rushed over to me, gently putting Nala on the couch as he grabbed my bag off of me. 

"I didn't realize you were home. I didn't know what time your shift ended." He smiled and took me in for a warm embrace. He was like a brand new person. His previously shaggy hair he had been leaving down recently was up in a half up half down bun. 

He was beaming. 

He had a grey sweater on and some joggers. He seemed... okay?

"I missed you." His head found it's way to the crook of my neck, placing gentle kisses as the sound of sizzling food and low music played in the background. It was amazing. I missed him so much. 

"I missed you Sugaru... I didn't know when you were gonna come back." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he scooped me up into his arms to hold me. He always holds me so effortlessly. 

"I told you I'd be back baby. I just had some things to take care of. Things that we don't need to worry about anymore. I'm not working with Gojo anymore. I realized I wasn't working with him for me... All the negative energy I was absorbing was killing me." He pulled away from me still continuing to hold me as he placed his forehead against mind. 

His voice was soft and deep. His touch was gentle and warm. His eye bags were even going away despite waiting up for me to get home. 

"I'm really glad you realized that Sugaru. It was torture watching you go through that." I nuzzled my nose against his, watching him smile. His eyes were gentle on mine.

"You hungry? I made Tuscan Chicken." He smiled showing me the pan of sizzling veggies.

"Ohhh Italian? How fancy." I smiled back at him as he let me down, placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"I wanted to do something nice for you. I feel like my issues have been stressing you out, and on top of your work you don't need that." His eyes saddened a little as he took my hand in his, gently kissing that too.

"Sugaru, don't pretend to be okay just because you don't want to worry me. I can when you are and aren't okay." I took his face in my hand kissing his cheek. Ofc I had to get on my tippy toes to barely reach him without him bending down to meet me, but I still did it. 

"I'm not pretending baby." He smiled again dishing our meals as we sat down.

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