Ch. 16) The blonde

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"I'd never ask you to do that. What is the point when I want you as you, Sugi? I want you happy and healthy. I want to have a future with you and I cant do that if you're killing yourself for me." His eyes sparkled as I spoke, taking in every word that rolled off my tongue.

"Y/n..." He moved in, taking my head in his hands as he kissed me. It was slow, but desperate. I could taste the salt from his tears on his lips as he kissed me. My heart hurt so bad for him. It ached. I tried to help as best as I could.

"Y/n..." he pulled away to look at me before kissing me again. His tongue was eager to caress mine as it entered my mouth.  Our mouths always moved and fit so perfectly together.

He pulled away again looking into my eyes as he hesitated to say something. So he just stared.

"What is it Sugaru?" I questioned moving the hair out of his face.

"I just-- I think um... I- I love you Y/n." His eyes never left mine, just as his hands never left my face.

My heart raced in my chest as my eyes grew wide. I loved him so much.

"I love you Sugaru." I whispered tracing his face. Another tear left his eye as he smiled and kissed me again. His tongue was quick to find mine again as his hand found it's way up the back of my skirt.

His pace quickened and became a bit more rough as the squeaky door was pushed open.

"Oh dear. I'm so sorry." The tall blonde man who had helped me earlier stood in the doorway as we pulled apart. Sugaru smiled as their eyes met.

"Nanami... It's just you." He spoke breathlessly as he acknowledged the man.

"Nice to see you again. Both of you." He smiled nervously and awkwardly as he stepped a bit closer to Sugaru.

They awkwardly hugged and spoke a few words as I quietly hopped off the counter.

"I didn't realize you knew each other." Nanami looked between Sugaru and I as we stood our distance.

"Nanami this is my girlfriend Y/n. Y/n this is Nanami. I went to Jujutsu High with him." He smiled as he introduced us. I awkwardly shifted to Nanami and shook his hand.

"I helped this little one find you earlier. What a nice name you have." He smiled at me before turning back to Sugaru.

"it's nice seeing you. It's been a while." he said smiling faintly at Sugaru.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry it's been so long." Sugaru rubbed the back of his neck as Nanami's eyes traveled to me again.

"You seem happy. I'm glad you found it." He nodded towards me and smiled before looking at Sugaru again. Sugaru just smiled as he looked back at me.

"Well we should go." Sugaru broke the silence as he held his hand out to me.

"Yes most likely." Nanami answered as we headed towards the door.

"It was nice seeing you again, both of you." I turned to smile at him one more time before before we left the bathroom.

Sugaru smiled down at me as we giggled heading back to the table, the Gojo guy was nowhere to be found thankfully. Sugaru panicked so bad earlier. The event had been playing some slow songs, so I kind of wanted to dance.

Sugaru noticed I had stopped in the middle of the dance floor, and easily read my actions as he made his way to me.

Cardigan by Taylor swift lightly played through the speakers as people began to dance. Sugaru took my hand in his and bowed before me, kissing the back of my hand as he leaned down.

"My beautiful Y/n." He whispered wrapping his arms around me. I quickly leaned into his chest as he rested his chin on my head.

"Would you like to dance with me?" He pulled away offering me his hand.

"I'd love to Sugaru." I smiled as he took my hand and spun me into his arms.

His arm caught me, and his eyes watched every one of my moves as we danced. If I could stay in this moment forever, I would. We swayed as we leaned into each other. Other eyes lingered on our movements.

"I love you, Y/n." He whispered ducking down as he took my other hand in his.

"I love you, Sugaru."

And with that he spun me around again, and dipped me just as the song ended with a kiss.

Faint clapping rose over the beginning of the next song as he pulled me back up. I looked around nervously bowing before the people that clapped for us. Nanami sat before that stage, clapping as he sat alone.

I smiled and waved and he nodded before we went back to our table.

Devotingly Yours~{Geto Sugaru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now