The king's visit

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" wake up you dummy! Father just left" Rian shouted as she entered her sister's room and went directly to the curtains and opened them directing all the light on the bed. Her sister moaned, turned her head and covered it with a pillow.

" Lindah Dankworth, you better get up before I turn your bed into a bath tub" she came around the king-sized bed and removed all the covers then jumped on the bed and  struggled with Lindah to remove the pillow she was holding so tightly over her head. When she finally took it, she beat Lindah with it.

" Wake up!" Lindah sat up murmuring a lot of complains

" What is it anyway?" She asked sounding all tired.

" Father has left you dumass!" She got off the bed and stood facing her sister who still sat on the bed like she was lost.

" So what? Does that mean I have to get up?"

" Oh God Lindah! Don't tell me you already forgot that we were going at Leon's today. Horse lessons, remember?" She was looking at her sister like some birdbrain.

"Jesus! It totally slipped my mind" she got down and run to the bathroom.

" Do you mind making my bed?" She said above her lungs as she opened the bathroom door

" In your dreams!" Riann said and turned to leave

" I am going to have breakfast. You delay, I leave you" she closed the door and run to fill her growling stomach

" Good morning Juliet!" She said to the maid who was setting the table.

" Good morning  Miss Riann" Juliet answered politely.

" Geez Julie, till when will I tell you not to address to me so formally? Just call me Riann, alright? "

" Alright, Rianb!" Juliet smiled shyly and put the last plate of fruits on the table.

" Father didn't take breakfast?" She asked noticing none of the food was touched.

" He  seemed to be in a hurry." Juliet answered.

" okay, then I will eat it all myself" she started with an egg sandwich. Juliet looked at her and smiled admiringly.

" What? You don't think I can eat it all?" She asked looking at Juliet like challenging her but she rather made her smile even wider

" I see someone has humor early in the morning!" said an old woman who stood in the entrance to the dining.

"  Good morning mama Charly! Juliet here thinks I can't eat all this food" she said and kept on eating.

" well, let's see you try my darling!" she came over and kissed her on the forehead.

" Enjoy your breakfast!" She smiled and sat next to her. Juliet went on to the kitchen

" where is your sister?"

" In her room, applying thousands of layers of makeup." She said not looking up from her food.

" Are you going somewhere?"

" Come on mama Charly, it's not like we spend most of our mornings at home."Now she was looking at her as she took a large sip on her fresh mango juice.

" So, where are you off to this time?"

" Leon's. We have some horse riding lessons"

" And I assume your father doesn't know" Riann chuckled.

" He doesn't need to know, does he?"

"you're right, he doesn't. " Charlotte started eating trying to fish for an other conversation. Every time Riann's father was involved in any of their talks, it would set her to the edge and Charlotte did not like the face she made so, she always avoided talking more about him.

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