Let me love you

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Two weeks had passed and  even in her wildest dreams she wouldn't have thought all that had happened was real. That Friday morning if her initial plan had worked, she would be waiting for her Prince to come back home to her but there she was getting ready for his wedding with a princess.

She took a pause from powdering her face and stared at her reflection. What was she becoming? miserable? Maybe. Because as much as she hated admitting it, part of her was deeply hurt that Ace didn't come back for her.

During the first week, she had been so sure that he'd come to get her and had stayed ready and all packed up. She could wake up, go for a run, take a few cooking lessons, watch movies and spend evenings watching the sunset.

The first weekend, he did not come to Roja, and on that same Saturday his marriage to the empire's princess was announced on all  TV, Radio channels and social media platforms. She spent Sunday trying to deny how hurt she had been by the news but through out the second week she grew more and more restless to the point she would have her phone close at all times, constantly checking for a call.

Reality hit when her father called her saying they were invited to the wedding and she was left no chance to decline the invitation. Thursday morning she was at her home in Knightvalley with Lindah and the others making fun of her crazy idea all day long and at some point she laughed herself too for thinking it could work.

Sighing, she finished the make up, got up, picked her luggage and left her room to go join the rest of the family already waiting in the parking.

* * * * * * *

He stood by the window staring at the almost invisible mobility of the morning clouds as the soft breeze blew past them. Deep inside he was wishing time was as slow and maybe he would get a last chance to see the owner of the bracelet he had in his hand.

She had left it on the kitchen counter and he had come into its possession when he had come back  to the kitchen in the middle of the night to eat the food she had prepared knowing very well that eating at night would get him sick.

He had meant to return it and that on many occasions but he couldn't bring himself to let go of her only thing that was left in his life. He had found love one day and lost it the next. for a brief moment, he started wishing things would have been different. If only he hadn't been so proud and hurt her, If only he hadn't pushed her away and held her in his arms when she was still in arms reach . But that would have hurt them both even deeper so, it was better that way.

sighing deeply, he opened his bedside drawer and put her memory there, then left for his responsibility as the crowned Prince. only a few hours and Lyla would be sweet history.

* * * * * * * *

"Can you find her?" 

"Huh? Mom, what do you mean?" He was startled by his mother's sudden question and turned from the car window to look at her

"You know what I mean. Son, you can not give up your own happiness for your father's ambitions." he looked outside again

"They are my ambitions too."

"That is what he made you believe.  I know my sweet and caring son is hidden somewhere inside of you and I want him back."

"Your son is dead, It is me you have to deal with ."

''Oh son, look at me!" She put a hand on his cheek and gently turned him to face her .

"Don't do this to yourself. True love only comes once. chase it while you still can."

He locked his eyes in hers for a moment and she started smiling with encouragement. Her glare was so gentle and understanding that he wanted to turn back and run to Lyla but He touched her hand softly,

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