Fake fate

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"Wait, Riann you can not be serious, this is totally insane!"

"I know Leon, I know. And trust me it will work."

Leon, Mario and Berna sat in Berna's room looking at Riann with popped eyes not believing what she was about to do and honestly neither could she believe herself but something inside of her said she was on the right track.

She finished her mud and blood make up and then turned to face them.

" How do I look?" All smiley and cheerful like she was not worried a bit, she asked.

Leon smirked a little not sure if he was pissed at her stubbornness or amused. He stood up and crossed arms angainst his chest and studied her accident casualty outfit and pulsed his lips thoughtfully.

"Is there really no other way to stop you?" He came closer " you know, there are a million safe ways we can think of to enter in the prince's life. Not this-" he touched her muddy hair " crazy idea of yours" he completed and then crossed his arms again his gaze still fixed on her.

"He's right. We can come up with something." Mario agreed.

"No, we do it my way. If the prince is as nice as Aunt Berna says, then he surely won't leave me to die on the streets."

" What if he takes you to the hospital instead? you father will come get you there, and speaking of your father, he should be looking for you right now" Riann had not considered her father at all until Mario brought him up and it was undeniable that she had to think about it, seeing her reaction made them believe that they would actually convince her out of her crazy plan. Her phone rang

"speaking of the devil." She composed herself and picked up.

"Father!" She sounded all confident as if she was in her rightful place.

"I went to Roja with Leon, we went to visit Aunt Berna but we should be back soon."

From her expression, it was clear that the voice on the other side of the call was mad.

" my guess is the day after tomorrow or the day after that. It will depend on how well Aunty is, because she is very ill, you know." Berna shot her a quizzic look and she mummered a 'sorry' and smiled apologetically. They all couldn't help but laugh at the little liar.

"Lindah? I couldn't tell her, my phone was...I mean, my battery was low" thats also when she remembered that Lindah didn't know where she was and neither did Mico, or Nick. What were those three up to? They seemed awfully quiet and okay with their disappearance

"Mario? No,he is not home...uh...Aunt Berna said he went to... Mayhill!, to...visit his grandparents.....okay, father I will keep that in mind...okay, bye!...sure, I will tell her. Take care!" She hang up the phone will smiles.

"He sends his best wishes, says to get well soon" shej said nonchalantly and then turned to face the mirror again.

" So, where were we?"

" Riann, you're going to push through." Leon stated still in disbelief.

"Well, as you can see, I am ready. I will fake fate and enter his life, next thing he knows I will be his best friend."

"As easy as that?" Leon asked

" As easy as that." She confirmed.

Thirty minutes later,  they were hidding in the bushes near Price Ace's safe house looking at Riann as she lay in the middle of the road that led to his gate. He would pass by any minute

" What do you think is on her mind?" Mario whispered.

"The prince finds her there, has mercy on her, takes her to his house, take care of her and then she wins his trust and they become friends and maybe later lovers" He chuckled at the though of it, ridiculous, he thought.

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