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"What's on your mind Riann?"

She turned and looked at Leon and smiled weakly.

"I don't know, I think I am having second thoughts" He stopped the car.

"Why did you stop? We have to reach knightvalley on time"

He looked at her skeptically.

"Riann you're behaving funny, just yesterday you were ready to throw yourself at the Prince and now you're doubting? I don't get you."

"I know, I know, okay? Its just that, it is going to be hard for us but wait, I am not giving up okay, I am just... Trying to think, Lindah was right, we can't just risk our lives just like that if we are not sure of our endgame, you feel me?"

"Of course Riann, I understand. That is why we are headed back home. To think things through. Right now we haven't made any move, at least not yet, but once we figure things out, we'll move" She thought again making him think she was taking in his words but she said something else.

"How will I get to the prince? Have you thought of that?"

"What exactly do you want from him?" He asked surprised about the sudden mention of the royal son.

"Haven't you heard Aunt Berna? He is the heir, our future king and he is the closest to the king. If we can get out everything from him, then we will be well positioned to win."

"And how will you do that?"

"I was thinking about making him fall in love with me. I will make him believe I will be his queen and he will tell me everything"

"Thats a good risky plan. How will you do that? What if he finds out before you even get anything out of him? And your father, you think he won't find out?"

"Leave my father to me, I will deal with him myself. Just help me find a way into the Prince's life and let me do the rest."

"This is going to take long."

"Yes, I know but it is the most reliable way out."

"Okay, I will talk to Aunt Berna, we can sneak you into his life."

"Really?" She asked popping her eyes at him

"Yeah, I am sure we can squeeze you in."

She jumped up rejoicing

"Thats why I adore you partner! You always know a way out." She smiled widely.

Looking at her, he knew what her problem was all about. she had been lying about having second thoughts because Riann would never doubt something she started herself, he understood. She had been thinking about Prince Ace and even  though he knew it was purely professional, he couldn't help but feel jealous. What if she fell in love with her target? That was highly possible judging by the way she was rejoicing over the mere thought of being the Prince's lover and plus, even if Leon had his well sought after good looks, Prince Ace was no different with all his charm and build up. He only hopped she would not fall into the lovers' trap like the girls in movies.


"Huh!" Riann's yelling got him out of his muse.

"Leon I have been telling you that I just saw your mom and all you do is drop your head and think about whatever I don't know."

"What? My mom? Where is she ? Where did you see her?" For a moment all his worries about the Prince vanished and all he could feel was his heart beating. It had been years since he last saw his mother, that day he was crying so much and begging her not to leave him but she didn't even take a look back, not then and not later. He didn't even know where his mother was and what had become of her, his father cared the least.

"She is in that car. With a child, a boy." She pointed at an expensive red Chevrolet blazer that was parked across them in front of a store.

"You sure its her you saw?"

"Wait for her to get out, you'll see for yourself" she replied and leaned back in her seat.

"It really is her." His voice was filled with surprise, pain, happiness, confusion and disbelief but more than anything, he was angry and hungry for answers as he saw a woman wearing an expensive coat, expensive heels and handbag get out and go over to the the other side to open
for a boy between five and four years. He looked exactly like how he looked when he was a kid.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked as he hurriedly stormed out the car and slummed the door.

"To get answers."

"Wait for me!" She got out and ran after him but wasn't able to stop him before he reached his mother and pulled her arm before she could enter the store.

"Leon?" The woman was surprised

"So, it really is you?" He was clenching his jaws and his mother saw it. Rainn reached out slowly and held his hand in comfort squeezing it slowly and even if he didn't show it, it calmed him

"Mommy who is he? " the boy asked and she looked at Leon apologetically before sighing and bending to whisper something in her younger son's ear.

"Honey, why don't you go to your daddy inside, Hm? Tell him mommy is taking care of something and will be inside quick?"

"Okay!" The boy run inside.

"So, I am something? He is your son and his daddy is your husband." He stated stressing the word 'daddy'. His mother's silence making everything clear.

He looked at her intently and at her car.

"You seem to be leading a life. One Dad couldn't give you."

"What are you doing in Roja? Your father must be worried." he chuckled.

"So, you remember him? I thought he was something too." She was standing elegantly looking at him with eyes void of emotions and she was looking as calm as ever, as if his words didn't mean anything.

"Go back to your home and live your live, as you can see, I live my own with my family. So go, build yours maybe with her, make her your wife and love her." She said coldly looking at Riann.

"I only have one question, why did you leave me? I still needed you." tears had stared to form in his eyes but he kept looking straight in her eyes looking for answers he would obviously not get even though his voice was breaking.

"Find love and marry son." She turned on her heels and walked away from them leaving him glued on the floor with one eye already crying.

Riann immediately hugged him tight and they stayed there for a while before heading back for their car to drive silently back home not uttering a word of what had just happened.

Short, I know. But this was for letting you guys in into some of our major character's back stories.

So, you know a bit about Leon. Let me know in the comments box who you want to know next.



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