A stranger in my room

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Riann stood with a satisfied smile on the spot she had laid the night she faked misfortune and embarrassed herself in front of the Prince and her friends, staring at the classic  ancient-style villa hidden majestically among many types of  trees and flowers giving the place a feeling of home. she understood why the prince only came when he needed peace. 

stepping forward, she came to the guard.

"Hello!" She greeted, "I, uh... I am the new cook, they told me to come today"

"Lyla Beans?" he asked and she nodded  "Mr. Naylor is waiting for you inside, this way please!"

he opened the smaller gate and stood aside so she could enter.

"Uh... may I ask who Mr. Naylor is?" The guard looked at her  as she walked curiously beside him and smiled; he thought she was cute and he had a feeling he would like her eventually. she looked simple, kind and funny; like the way she had been smiling since she arrived.

"He is the butler, don't worry he is a strict but very nice old man. you'll like him" she smiled "Great!" 

"I am Nicholas by the way, in case you.. wonder what my name is, hh" He said shyly glancing her way. And why did he feel shy exactly? he could not put a finger on it. she laughed and pointed her index finger pulsing her lips like what he did was logical

"That was actually next question, I am that predictable, huh?"

"Not quite, I just felt like telling you, that's all." They laughed. did she feel instantly attached to the guard? Yes, and maybe they could be good friends; the guy seemed cool and warm so why not make friends on her way to the Prince's heart?

"I have a friend called Nick, so I'll just call you Nick too, if that's okay with you!" "Of course, I'm cool with it." He immediately replied even before she could finish. "Okay, Nick!" they laughed again. 

the rest of the journey to the villa was awkwardly silent but Riann was taking her time examining every plant specie they came across and all Nicholas did was to steal glances and secretly smile as he admired her beauty. she had unbraided her hair and left the curls to fall freely to her back. she had worn simple makeup and had put on a simple long-sleeved  knee-length cotton dress with flowers all over, she had also chosen leather sandals to complete her demure.

the last esthetic that caught her eye before coming to the main entrance was the big fountain which had the Prince's statue in the center, water dancing gracefully around in alternating styles, it amazed her so much that she let out a silent 'wow' which made Nicholas laugh his lungs out.

"I see you have made your first friend here Mrs. Beans!" That was Naylor Bennet-the Butler's voice, and it put their laughter to an end.

"Uh, Pardon me sir, it is just that this place is so beautiful, I can't help but admire everything and Nick here, Nicholas, I mean" she chuckled shyly "Well, he keeps laughing at me." She completed her sentence feeling stupid already, judging by the way the butler and the guard were laughing at her, 'Riann you must be funny' she whispered to herself and scratched her arm-something she always did when she got nervous or shy.

"Did you say anything Mrs. Beans?"

"Ah nothing sir, I am ready to work!" she stood both hands locked on her luggage bag looking happily at Bennet.

"Alright, come on! we shall discuss the working terms after you have settled in, we shall show you the Guest house, that is where the staff stays. would you prefer your mother's room?"

"That would be great. I would love be where she has been"

"Great, this way then!"

'What? I won't stay in the main house? Great Riann, just great. congrats for fooling yourself  into thinking that you were that special to stay in the same house with the Prince' she cursed under her breath as they led her to the far end of the garden.

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