Goodbye Kiss

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"Do  guys you think Riann will make it? I mean, I have never seen her so defeated, it is almost like she won't get to his heart anytime soon." Lindah asked after they came form riding horses, an alibi that always worked for them whenever they had something serious to talk about.

"She doesn't own magic Lin, it's only been two days since they met and you can't expect anyone to make somebody fall in love with them after they had just met, that is ridiculous. Although I have to say that I think she has kind of nailed it. There is an emotional connection between those two."

"What do you mean Nick?" Leon asked

"Leon come on, don't act as if you haven't noticed that she was looking all discouraged and sad about something and don't dare assume that it is somebody else that made her like that, There are not a lot of people in that Villa who can hurt her feelings, and not here anyway, you guys know better."

Lindah chuckled. "Nick, trust me I know my sister, she is not the kind to take things personal"

"Maybe because so far no one has made an attempt to put a twist in what she feels, I mean I am just saying, but you should trust our girl, she will make it to the event with the Prince."

"Nick's right Lin, let's trust her to it." The jealousy in Leon's voice was as noticeable as his love for her and it kind of set the mood in an awkward direction as Lindah and Nick kept glancing at each other and almost laugh while Leon didn't anything was funny and just left the two of them standing by the stables.

"Hey Guys!" Mico greeted as she cam through the entrance.

"Mico! You missed the ride, where have you been? I couldn't reach you!"  Lindah said holding her phone up.

"Sorry guys, it is my mom!" She sighed and sat down on a stool, sweat was railing down her forehead.

"What's up with your mom?" Nick asked.

"She had gone missing."

 "What? did you find her?" Nick and Lindah asked in chorus.

"Yes, apparently she fell asleep on the beach. she didn't want to come home and left me with dad alone in the house, can you imagine?"

"Oh my God, did he hurt you or something?" Lindah asked,

"Luckily I spent the night alone in the house. he too was out fucking one of those crazy girls at the club. I really thought I was going to be the scape goat again,"

"Why don't you guys leave him?"

"I wish so too Nick, but mom says her hands are tied. I don't quite understand but I do know we can not leave even if we wanted to so badly'

"He must have her under some kind of threat."

"I think so too, Mico you-"

"Ah, guys! enough with me already, where is Leon? I've got some  tips that could help Riann I want to discuss." They made faces

"What's with those faces?"

"Ah..., you might want to 'discuss' this later, Leon he, is a little on edge." Lindah explained.

"Okay, I understand" She made a knowing face and did not drag it. "So, tell me, what updates do you have from our boy inside the GT?"

"He says the event is exclusive to the king and those he choses, no exceptions. that it is like very top secret which leaves only the King's invites to attend. In this case, it is the kings from other kings from various chosen kingdoms from our empire."

"And is it confirmed Prince ace will be there?"

"Mario says nothing about that," Nick explained "But, he says that the Prince is as involved as his father. says he has seen him there once in this past week but he seems to know everything around the place well."

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