Imperfectly perfect

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someone had seen them, he stood behind them and was making sure they know of his presence. Only someone higher than the Prince would want to interrupt his intimate moment. They both feared the worst,

Riann dropped back on her two feet and unwrapped her arms from his neck. But his grip around her waist was still intact when they turned to come face to face with Thyra's brother. That is when he let go and they stood steps apart.

"I see you are having your little fun while my sister is acting all dreamy dreamy about becoming your wife." he was looking disgustingly at Riann like she was some whore and she felt pretty much like so herself.

"You deserve this." he came abruptly towards him and punched him hard with all his might.

"Ace!" worried, Riann tried to come close but he stopped her with his hand.

"Go back inside, let me deal with this, I don't want you to get hurt." He was touching his jaw, holding back the blood that was already flowing out of his mouth and his eyes were fixed on Prince Henry who was glaring back angrily, ready for an other punch.

That was a Prince fight that she had brought about but again had no control over. Looking at him one last time, she ran out of sight.

"No word of this should get out." he spit blood 

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now and tell our fathers I caught you cheating on my sister."

"Go ahead and do whatever you like, but use your brain if you are to be the next emperor."

"How is that connected to hurting my sister?" Ace looked at him and mused.

"Then I see why there is talk of your bastard brother taking the throne. you're too stupid for an Emperor."

"Don't talk about that!" Henry held him by the throat, agitated by Ace's careful choice of words

"You leave me no choice Henry. Do yourself a favor and forget whatever it is you saw here, alright?" He freed himself and left Henry standing there. well, Henry had done him a favor, a good beating was what he needed all along, just no one had been bold enough to come up to him.

That same night there was a grand ball to welcome the guest where people grabbed chances to make connections and present their daughters to suitable bachelors. some were for business and others just for political ambitions.

Riann never liked these kinds of things even though she had attended the Royal balls from since she but a little girl.

Her eyes were only fixed on Ace and Thyra, walking perfectly besides each other carefree. She was happy, and all Ace did was look at her with admiration and care like the delicate prize she was.

There was so much pain in her chest that it started feeling like a burning physical sensation as her heart sank into depression. Her legs wanted to run, somewhere nobody would find her, where all about Ace would be just a memory. Lying to herself would be insane because she was madly in love and jealous. She wanted him only for herself and it hurt to see him with an other woman. it was just unbearable.

The air started to feel thinner and thinner that she was running out of breath slowly, space started shrinking that she started bumping into anyone that came across her but her blurry focus was on the only man in her heart sitting at the center of focus for everyone at the ball.

She declined a waiter offering a glass of champagne and started for the corridor leading out as quickly as she can, gasping for air.

the elevators weren't working or they rather seemed not to be working so she took the staircase and ran swirling all the way down.

On reaching ground floor, she started for the door, grateful that it was cleared of the dense crowd from earlier. Only the security guys who seemed not to care about whatever was happening to her were around.

she crossed the marble floor towards the doors and just before she went further, someone caught her by the arm- a familiar touch that sent chills up her veins and just before processing anything, she was pulled into a tiny room, a hand over her mouth to make sure no sound is made.

they were inches apart, their  dilated irises locked into each other, both their breathing in a perfect symphony. He removed his hand and swallowed, not breaking the eye contact

everything happened so fast that staying sane had zero chance but she needed it. She hadn't been in her right mind for a while but she had to, for his sake. Even if all she wanted was to kiss him and never let go.

"What is this madness my Prince?" She asked 

"Ace, call me Ace please! Can you come with me? Let's leave. I can not take any more minute in that suffocating place without you by my side."

"This is total insanity. Lets just,... go back, please!" her voice was cracking and her hands were shaking as she slid her  free right arm from behind her back on the wall trying to open the little door of the cleaning staff room.

"I love you." the three magical words took a while to sink in, making her freeze, once again. She felt her arm on the doorknob lose all its strength as it drooped helplessly. Next thing she felt were electric shocks in her joints that would soon take away her balance 

"I love you," He repeated "I can not live without you," He cupped her face in his two palms

" I want to make it work, us. I want to fight for us." she closed her eyes to wake herself up. her throat was already dry

"Ace, you know we can't,"

"And I still want to make it happen, for all its worth." he bent down to kiss her but she pulsed her lips. A sign that made him stand back a bit and drop his hands, hopefully looking at her. boldly she opened her mouth to speak.

 None of what was happening had been in her plans. Opportunity was presenting itself, he was at her mercy like she had wanted and the meeting was nearing in about a week, all the more reasons to accept his feelings but deep inside she couldn't bring herself to do it. Not when she loved him so much. He was willing to leave his life for her and her heart was screaming to just let everything and run away with him, but she just couldn't. A lot was at stake for whatever she would choose and if hurting her self would be the only way to avoid hurting him further, then she would do it gladly.

She surely would find an other way to get to king Frederick's dark secrets without passing through his son.

"I'll hurt you. so deep that I will make you regret ever leaving your loving fiancée and your perfect life."

" If anyone could get hurt," He closed the space between them again." it is you and I'll protect you, no one can lay hands on you, just please take my hand" he lifted his right palm.

 Instead, she lifted herself on her toes and did what she did best to make him miserable, Kiss and leave.

After the kiss, she put a hand on his cheek.

"Please don't give up on us," He literally pleaded.

"This is imperfectly perfect for everything that it is, I wish we were in a different place at a different time." She kissed him on the cheek one last time, squeezed his hand for a second and left. Again. This time they both let a tear fall.

He stood there, back against the wall, oblivious to his surroundings as reality hit that he had lost the only woman he had ever loved, He had tried, did everything he could, even let down his guard and pride but nothing would bring her back to him.


Do you think abandoning her mission for love was a  good decision on Riann's part? What would you rather do? I mean, with Prince Ace in her arms, success was guaranteed and now she has to go back to square one

let me know what u guys think!



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