Buttons that hurt

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Hey, this too is about Riann. I haven't forgotten my promise of other characters' backstory but let's spend more time with these two. I promise, when the others kick in, its going to be awesome

enjoy your reading!


life as a loyal cook did not offer as much adventure as Riann liked since her only job was to cook only twice a day. Ace didn't eat that much, Bennet had made clear what the prince had for dinner. it was only a fresh mango juice and a salad and not of any kind, only cucumber. 

He was missing out on a lot by limiting himself to only certain kinds of meals and she thought it was boring to live a scheduled life like he did even in his so called relaxing home. If only he would let her, she would for the first time actually prepare something for him because usually she wasn't the one making the food. The only thing apart from an omelet she could make well was sweet corn and stake plus a few lettuce leaves salad which she had learned to make from Charlotte. If he liked salads so much for dinner, he might as well try her own specialty

As she unpacked the lunch boxes containing his salad for Saturday's dinner the real Mrs. Beans had prepared and sent, a crazy though crossed her mind-one Berna had completely told her not to think of.  Cooking. What if she cooked an actual meal? she had heard the best way of getting to a man's heart is through his stomach and what she wanted was everyway to get close to the solo prince whose feelings and thoughts were hard to decipher.

And who said she couldn't cook? well, she might not have touched a cooking pan that much, but she knew Charlotte's recipes at heart since they she had spent so much trying to teach her to cook-if only she had known. she felt a ting of regret for having been as stubborn as she could ever be, never in her life would she had thought that cooking would be put to good use. well, that was time to test if her chemistry teacher had been right about her memorizing skills.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the fridge and her eyes fell on a hundred kinds of vegetables and cans  all of which she had bought herself for the past two days that she couldn't even tell which was which but as confident as she was, she took out whatever she thought looked familiar and started her kitchen magic.

his dinner was taking longer and his patience was running thin. he was constantly checking his watch as he tapped his finger tips on the table, checking the doorway to the kitchen to see if Lyla was coming but all he saw or rather smelt was an odor different from that of a cucumber salad. What was she doing anyway? could she be fetching trouble by actually cooking for him at night? he hoped not. He really hoped not.

Her food had taken long since she had had to make a few refreshments but there was Charlotte's famous Marioni hot and ready to be served and as delicious as ever. there was no way he was going to resist that if he had a tongue

with a satisfied smile, she pushed in the trolley, greeted, excused herself for the unpleasant delay and started her serving. He took a minute sitting still and then his calm appearance turned to rage instantly.

"Have you not been told what I have for dinner?" He asked harshly but she didn't take offense and kept smiling.

"I have been told your majesty, but hot Marioni is so good for digestion in sleep and really delicious. you will surely like it." She went on to put some on his plate still with a smile. "Try it and you will thank me later!" "Stop!" he yelled and this time he scared her, not by his voice but by the way he gripped her arm tightly to stop her from serving.

sensing the gravity of the moment, she slowly withdrew and softened up. "I am really sorry, I thought-"

"take it away!" He threw her arm away and it almost hit the table, he flinched a little in fear of hurting her but he didn't let it show. "I see your mother has wasted her precious time here trying to make a living for you. turns out you were busy stuffing wax in your ears." " I am sorry" She silently whispered 

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