Drunk in Love

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A Tuesday morning can't be any worse for a Prince who wakes up with a deadly hangover and a completely blank brain about whatever went on a few hours back, plus a heart that is full of shame  and remorse for God-knows what he did in his drunken state.

Ace sat on his bed trying hard to get his body's engine back to work and suddenly a flash back that intensified his pain started playing.


Harry Fisher strode inside the office with a joyous smile and looking completely different from how he had looked a week back. His usually tied hair was left to suspend freely and its deep black natural color was dyed deep brown, although his rock star outfit was still intact, along with his humorous personality.

"Hey cousin, you're early today! I thought I would come in to Roja and spend a few days with you over there!" He went over to Ace and gave him a bear hug then eased himself into the chair across him.

"I received a call yesterday. Some  early work to sort out." He held up the paperwork he had been working on for almost thirty minutes with a weak smile,

"You don't look well. Had a bad week end?" Harry observed.

"You died your hair. Had a good weekend?" They laughed, shooting each other knowing looks.

"Do you want to talk about it? Over a something  on the rocks maybe?" 

"Later tonight, I still have an urgent work to do. you'll drive, I think I will get drunk." Harry made a suspicious look.

"Cous, your weekend must have really sucked." Ace never got drunk and now he was planning to get wasted, so unlike him.

"You have no idea!" he smirked a little but his eyes were still locked on the monitor.

"Well, that sounds like fun," He stood up, "Catch you tonight!" then he left.

Ace hadn't had the best of nights, especially because Riann's words had kept hunting him all night and they were still messing with his head making him question his own loyalty and his choices. For the first time in his life he actually wanted to drink and he was going to do it heavily maybe some sense would pump in.

Later on that night, his brain replayed, he and Harry were drinking one glass of tequila after an other nonstop. He was already hating what the rest of the memory was going to offer and at the same time feared it.

"Harry you are the sober driver, " Ace said when he realized his cousin was going with him all the way because they were about to take the fourth fill.

"I dyed my hair, remember? I want to drink too. We'll just call a driver and do you want to talk about why you're here doing something you never did before?"

"After I am wasted, I am sure I will speak with ease. We'll also talk about your new hair color and see if we can celebrate it." They laughed and kept on drinking.

He had said it, that he was in love with Lyla, God, his heart started beating really fast.

"I think I am in love," He started after gulping down the seventh glass. This got Harry out of his mind and he almost spit his whisky when he laughed.

"What? with who?" he asked.

"My new cook." He replied and took an other glass.

"She is a peasant." harry stated more than ask and Ace nodded "And she feels the same, She told me."

"This is fucked up."

"Yeah, I know. In all ways." he drank again.

"Do you want to spill all the beans?"

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