The Royal ball

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4 years ago....

Whales annual Royal ball

" Guys we are up for phase one" Leon was standing alone in the far right corner of the ball room monitoring closely the positions of his friends.

" Hey Leon!" A group of girls passed by him giggling shyly.

" Hey!" He smiled seducingly and winced at them making them almost jump in excitement. He followed them with his gaze as they gossiped about his warm pink lips and his hazel eyes which made almost every  girl crazy even if Leon was only seventeen

" Leon, don't tell me you're flirting with thirteen year olds in the middle of an operation!" Riann asked in disbelief.

" you want me to flirt with you instead? You're two years older and a hundred times more beautiful." he teasingly said looking at her as she danced with Nick. She was looking dangerously gorgeous in that tight black velvet dress she had on and even with her hair shaved. It only made her look unique and more attractive.

" I can take you from Nick in a snap" he continued, making her smile a little

" Leon, thats not what I mean, we're in the middle of an operation" she said trying not to be swayed by his words but that didn't go unnoticed.

"Guys you are aware that we're listening too right?" Mico said from the van parked outside the palace. The others laughed.

" so, don't listen." He laughed. "Its not meant for you!"He added and made them laugh even more.

They all knew they were about to do the most dangerous thing of all and here they were chit chatting. They were laughing but thier hearts were beating way beyond normal.

" Guys, here comes the king. Get ready to move" Leon said as he saw the King, his wife and the prince at the top of the stairs.

" Lindah do you copy?"

" I am in the hall way, I can see the camera room ahead, Ready to move"
she whispered back

" Okay, he's got all the attention, time to move. Guys, remember, if anything goes wrong..."

" we abort !" They chorused.

" Good. Wish you luck!" He took his drink and started making his way through the crowd which had its eyes on the Royal family as the king delivered his speech.

" Hey, do you think this teenager is coming here?" One of the men in the camera room asked as he saw Lindah walking confidently in the hallway.

" She doesn't look dangerous to me. Look at her, she's unarmed, I bet she doesn't know she lost yet." The other one reassured.

" Okay, its just that she looks a bit... Weird"

" a teenage girl doesn't matter, she's harmless come on, help me with my phone,I can't send messages"

" Hello guys!" They heard a girl's voice as they were getting busy with the phone and they turned around to see Lindah standing halfway in the door which she held ajar.

" Hey kid! You lost or something? Come on, go back to the ball"

" Oh," she said feightning to be surprised.

" But I am not lost gentlemen, I am just here to deliver a gift you might like" the men shot her confused looks but they didn't get to ask anymore questions because she had already thrown in a gas to knock them off and locked the door from outside. Two minutes later she entered wearing a protective mask and the men were fast asleep.

" Alright guys, I am in!" she said " Leon, you're up! We have two guards on the first stairs and two more on the King's office. Can you take them?"

" Yeah, I think I can."

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