Here all along!

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"Your Imperial Highness, we understand it is a huge request, but please trust us," pleaded the three young ladies in front of the Emperor. They were asking him to lead an army to Whales and put an end to the ongoing dehumanization there.

"My child,"  the Emperor responded, setting down his pen with a tone that brooked no argument. "I gave you one week to provide evidence for your claims, yet all you presented were stolen hospital records from important men in the realm who are also your fathers. Now, I must ask you to return to your homes and schools. they are on their way to take you back."

"What?" The girls exchanged nervous glances.

Riann stepped forward and took a deep breath. "Your Imperial Highness, please... give us just twenty-four hours."

"Riann, are you out of your mind? We can't contact Nick and Leon; what can we possibly do?" Lindah whispered

"Just give us twenty-four hours," Mico interjected and got a look from Lindah too "We will prove to you that the Empire is on the brink of collapse."

Before the Emperor could respond, there was a knock at the door. "Your Imperial Highness, the Prince wishes to speak with you urgently before he leaves," announced the butler.

"Tell him I will meet him in the Library," replied the Emperor before turning back to the girls. "Twenty-four hours." With that, he stood and left them, heading to meet Ace. The girls followed suit.

"So, girls... we can't reach Nick and Leon right? How about we do this..." Mico's words trailed off in Riann's mind as it shifted to Ace. The mere mention of his name had unsettled her insides.

Ace is leaving.    

she thought, her heart sinking as memories of their time together flooded her mind. He was now happily married to the Emperor's daughter; he may have forgotten all about Lyla. God, he didn't even know her real identity. She had been avoiding any encounter with him during her stay because she knew very well that he was living there and running into him would create more drama than needed.

But could he be heading to this meeting? Suddenly, that thought consumed her mind. What if he was going to the Great Tower? He could be her only hope.

"Excuse me!" Riann exclaimed, suddenly running ahead of her friends as they descended towards the exit of the Emperor's office.

Mico called out after her, but she was too lost in thought to hear. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back!" Riann called back, running as fast as she could.

"Have you even been listening to me?" Mico sighed as Riann disappeared from sight.

"That's just my sister," Lindah laughed. "She always has something on her mind."

"What if your father comes Mic?" Lindah said, changing the subject and they both exchanged nervous looks.

"Oh yes, a reunion with my lunatic father sounds like so much fun," Mico replied sarcastically, a twinge of pain and fear evident in her voice. Suddenly, Lindah pulled her into a hug.

"I love you, darling. You're safe here," Lindah said softly.

"Thank you, hon," Mico hugged her back affectionately. " So, what do we do?" She asked after pulling away.

"I think I might have an idea where Riann is!" Lindah said excitedly after a brief thought.

"Where?" Mico asked "Wait," She put a hand on her mouth. "Could she have gone after..." "Ace" Lindah completed and they both stood in surprise.

"Wow, finally the love birds meet!" Lindah said happily

"Riann is a s crazy as she is in love. I wonder what she is going to say to him."

"You think she is going to tell him our plans?"

"No, your sister is smarter than that," Mico said " Come on, she might need some help."

Riann's heart raced as she sprinted through the palace corridors, her mind focused on one thing - reaching Ace before he left. She pushed past servants and guards, her determination unwavering. Finally, she reached the grand Library where she knew Ace would be meeting with the Emperor.

As she entered the Library, Riann saw Ace standing by one of the tall windows, his back turned towards her. She hesitated for a moment, her feelings of anxiety and anticipation swirling within her. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she walked up to him.

She murmured, "My prince," and he spun around as if he had just heard her voice in a dream and wanted to confirm its reality. He gazed at her for a long moment, almost as if he was still trying to fully register her presence.

"Lyla?" He said, words faintly coming out. "What are you doing here?" He was looking at her with the same love and affection he had looked at her a week before. She felt a surging need to cave in and fall into his hug but again if she wanted to make things work, she needed to keep her calm.

"I need your help." She stated, looking straight in his eyes with a blank expression.

"What do you mean?" He still wasn't getting anything.

"I know all about the great tower," He stopped his feet which were already approaching her and a stern look of surprise formed on his face but he didn't speak just yet.

"I am peasant and so is my family." She bent her head and started playing with her finger nails.

He had always had a soft corner for her and for a moment he didn't even consider that she had discovered his dark secret. All he thought about was how she must be suffering and he couldn't help but twinge at the mere thought. She looked innocent and vulnerable, like the world was closing in on her.

"I have two brothers," She continued " And both were taken last year and since then I have only talked to them twice. I am really worried and helpless, please help me." she started crying and it made him itch to hug her but one question was disturbing him.

" What are you doing here in Renova Lyla? and especially in this palace?"

"I work here. " She paused for a while and she continued to play restlessly with her fingers

"Since when?" He asked. "Since I left your house." The tears she had been holding fell "I really need to support my family and I am so glad they brought me here." This time he hugged her so tight and she hugged him back.

"You have been here all along and you didn't even tell me. Why?" He was stroking her hair gently like she was so fragile.

" I didn't know what to do because you have a wife now and honestly," She pulled away half-way to look him in the eye "I don't know why we are here right now. This shouldn't be happening." She pulled away completely this time and stood a step away.

"You are my only hope." She said "Please help me send a message to my brothers. I just want to hear from them and tell them I am doing well, that is all."

Lindah and Mico stood in a safe distance to see what was happening and not get noticed.

"Oh my God Lindah, look."

"What?... Oh my God! He is coming!" Lindah exclaimed seeing the emperor going towards the library

"If he sees her, she is dead."

Right at that moment, Riann stepped out and came face to face with the Emperor. They exchanged a few words and he went right in.

Riann smiled slightly and walked away her head held high, like she had won the lottery. 


More is on the way loves,

It only gets better.



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