A safe distance away

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"Okay, right. We're in Ront. Good enough, but how in the world do we find the GT?"

"Don't worry Lind, Nick's got your back?" Nick boasted as he fixed his gaze on the capital, it was night already and the city lights were doing their respective work of making the place look like heaven on earth.

Ront was one of the most beautiful cities in the whole Arvian empire which made it an attraction to most of the people from the 25 different kingdoms under emperor Yantes. its very high skyscrapers reaching to over 100 floors were for one the top attraction followed by the ever famous green parks around the city, each with an amusement plot exclusively for different classes of people, the bicycle lanes up the hills, the electric trains, the beaches, the famous restaurants and not to mention the best school institutions which made Ront a city of the young most of which came in to study.

"Hey, do you have like a plan or something?" Mico asked drawing them from their little reverie about Ront's esthetics

"No, not exactly, but I have been in Ront a few times" he answered not getting his eyes off the big city

"Hey we all come to Ront like literally every year, in the Royal ball? " Lindah said sarcastically and Nick turned to kook at her

"oh how i love being here, its live and sweet and chill and at the same time cool." Mico interrupted speeding up a little on the last part of her sentence not to drag her interruption

"I know you must be thinking that I am crazy but you are going to have to trust me on this okay?" Nick said ignoring Mico's fantasy 

"Its your plan we've  been following all along anyway, so what do you have in mind?" 

" Good question Lindah, so um...I know that place..., I mean the address, I've been there. when and why? That doesn't matter but since I last visited it was this large field with nothing but green pasture; and now that I think of it, makes sense you know, it is a place where you would build a whole city and nobody would fund out if you wanted, you know like thousands of hectares of free land and it is an unsettled neighborhood, like there are literally no cars there and especially no people. i have to admit, i feel stupid for not figuring out that it is actually a perfect spot for the great tower." the girls fixed their eyes on him like in an expectant pose.

"So, why are you staring at me?" 

"what are you waiting for?"- Mico "Come on, you should be driving already!" that was Lindah, and the two just spoke so simultaneously that all Nick got was a fright and before he knew it, he had already started the engine and driving fast to wherever he was going.

* * * *

"You know what, I don't understand how they left without us. like really all they had to do was give us a call and tell us what they are up to and-"

"And then what? we could have flown to knightvalley? Riann, we were in Roja! and if I recall correctly, we haven't told them where we were going-"

"That's because they were not on the same page with us remember? and now they send a text saying they are in Ront after the 'GREAT TOWER' and that they will fill us in on their return. isn't that ridiculous?"

"No, I think it is logical, considering they couldn't reach us, let's just wait for them, okay?" Riann didn't respond and just kept on pacing around Leon's apartment like she was making an instant plan.

"Hey! Riann, don't tell me that you are thinking of joining them? That would be insane."

"Or... smart?" she interrupted.

"Hey, let's just- hang on, it aunt Berna calling, maybe she figured things out after all." "Aunt! any new ideas? has Mario left already?... oh okay. good then, Riann? of course she is with me... okay, wait I will pass her the phone" he covered the microphone "She has a plan you will like" He whispered in excitement and handed over the phone to Riann whose thoughts were still in Ront.

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