Dilemma II

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"No, I don't think that would be necessary, just send it over to my office in Ront, I am leaving tomorrow first thing in the morning. I will check it out when I get there"

After ending the call, he stared at the road contemplating which way to go and it kind of felt funny and almost unbelievable that for the first time in his life he had actually left his house without anywhere to go.

just when he was still questioning his mental stability, his eyes showed him Lyla on a tricycle with Nicholas and then he really knew he had gone nuts. seeing her face everywhere was way more than what he had expected from himself, except that  he wasn't wrong. she was really there with Nicholas and they were laughing happily as they drove to God-knows-where.

His first impulse was jealousy he confused with anger, followed by an urge to follow them and then a decision to fire one or both of them, of course the victim would be the girl. She was the one messing with him, his staff and his peace. She had acted so caring like she was targeting his heart and now that she had his attention, she was flirting with the workers, something he deemed unforgivable.

Thanks to her he had found somewhere to go and that was back home.

She run in the purple pasture, passing her fingers through the lavenders and inhaling their sweet smell and for a moment Ace's memory threatened to come back but she had swore to just forget it all, even if the lavender odor reminded her of how he had mocked it.

"Nick, this is just so amazing! How comes places like these exist?" she stopped and looked back at Nick who was trying to catch up with her

"They do, hh but they are so common here in Roja that nobody ever really values them for what they are"

"You mean they take, this for granted?" Her brows were furrowed in confusion.

"stupidly yes," They laughed. "well, they must really be insane or blind not to see how beautiful and extremely relieving this is."

"Although I must say that this one right here is one of the best mother nature has to offer, but of course not many people from around here visit."

"You're right, I mean the birds sing, there are colorful butterflies, the streams, the trees, oh my God it is like someone planned carefully the set up"

"God did!" He winced "He sure did!" She said with a smile and kept on striding through, picking up some of the petals.

"How do feel now?" He asked breaking the silence that had taken over three minutes back. She turned her head with a slight smile and nodded. "Hm, hmm! I am at peace, thank you!" she kept on walking through, inhaling enough air to keep track of the memories even after they had left and he followed silently behind.

"Should we head back? I could take days to get enough of this place" She said when they were midway through.

"you're right. come on, I know a short cut out"

"You know, you can always come back whenever you like" He said when they were back on their transport.

"Sure, I will. and..." She placed a hand over his gently and he felt al lot of chemistry inside f him freezing him a little. Aware of his situation, he tried to calm his nerves and turned to look at her

"Thank you so much, I really needed this. you're a good person Nick, and a true friend" Pulsing his lips, the nodded

"Don't mention it, I am just glad to be of help" Then she removed her hand and part of him wished she had waited just a few more seconds, but he knew better.

Nicholas was funnier than she had thought. He had been making jokes all the way and she couldn't stop laughing even when they came to the gates and where supposed to be composed, but that changed when they came face to face with a worried Bennet standing by the gate and obviously waiting for them which could only mean one thing.

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