What's your plan detective?

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" so, what you are saying is peasant boys are being taken somewhere by a mysterious van." Leon said pacing around the room.
Her urgent call had gotten all of them inside Nick's bedroom in less than thirty minutes.

" And the king's visit has something to do with it?" Nick added.

" That's right." Riann immediately answered. She was in a hurry to make them understand because according to her they had no time until all the peasant boys were taken and they seemed to not get it.

" Come on guys what don't you get? They are being taken and its to a dangerous place. Who knows? Maybe they are doing some slavery, or... Who knows?" Her voice had an urgent edge to it, like she was impatient to get started.

All except Riann exchanged worried looks and then at her.

" What?" She asked." Say something guys come on!" She stood up and faced them. " What? We are going to sit back and pretend like nothing is going on? We become like them and watch King Frederick destroy our friends' lives?" Now her mood had become more sensitive, like she was on verge of shading tears.

" Riann-" Lindah spoke up hesitantly.

" It is dangerous. Look, we understand and you might be right-"

" Might be right? Lindah! I just told you vans are taking them away. Who else apart from the king can do that under our fathers' watches?" Riann was now angry and desperate.

" okay, okay, I get it but so what? They are going to stop us the moment we start to do anything and who knows? Maybe our fathers won't be able to save us this time."

" Lindah is right. Something might be going on but it is beyond what we can handle." Mico agreed.

" yeah, we can't take the risk. You have to understand Riann, its beyond our control." Nick added.

" So what? We sit back and do nothing like cowards? Everyone in this room knows too well that we are nothing close to that."

They looked at her blankly.

" What? Don't tell me you accept to be called cowards." She unbelievably asked.

" Sister then is not now. Back then we were still little and did things without thinking. we cared less about the consequences, you know where that got us." Lindah said trying to make sense and everyone nodded in agreement.

She looked at them one more time.

" Alright then, guess I am on my own this time. Enjoy your perfect lives" she painfully stormed out.

" Hey Riann wait!" Leon said running after her.

" Riann!" He called as she descended the massive stairs from Nick's room but she didn't care to look back. He had to run after her till outside

" Hey, wait!" He took her left arm softly and stopped her.

" What?" She abruptly said turning around.

" Can we talk? Please." He was still panting from his run after her.

" Don't even think about wasting my time." She warned after a moment of thinking.

" Promise! I won't waste your precious time detective!" He smiled warmly and it somehow eased her tension making her smile a little.

" Come on! Let's go to my place. We can talk there" He led her to his car.

" Where do you think those two are going?" Mico asked as she observed Leon drive out of the parking lot from the window.

" I don't know, given Leon's obsession with her, he can do anything to make her feel alright." Nick commented getting busy with his phone.

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