Roonie the guard

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Mornings inside the golden tower are nothing compared to those in Knightvalley where Nick would wake up alone in the house, both his guardians already out and the massive mansion in the outskirts of knightvalley  left  for him to use as he pleased.

Leon, the only son of the blacks and the only one living with his father was no different from a prince.

The very annoyingly loud siren went off two hours after they had gone to sleep. For the past week the two of them had barely slept.

"I feel like my head will explode Nick; I swear!" 

Everyone was folding blankets readying for breakfast.  "Hey, where is Mario?" Leon asked

"I don't know, he could have waken up earlier for all I care, he never sleeps, you know." Nick answered still half asleep.

Activities in that place were so animated to the point everyone just went where they were supposed to be without being watched by anyone. Although in the back of their heads they knew almost each corner had cameras and the slightest mistake could make you disappear. Many thought you would be killed because once you disappear, nobody hears of you ever again.

They had ten minutes for breakfast and two to get to their respective duties, or slavery if given its proper name.

Nick and Leon had had their fair share of beatings since they arrived and had gone pretty used to it. God knows when they would hear from the girls, all they could do was wait for a green light.

"I have to admit, this looks pretty cool" They both stood in front of the cloud-piercing skyscraper on its completion stage looking at it in awe.  

"Yeah, it is pretty cool Nick, the revolution is underway" Leon responded with a heavy sigh.

"I have to admit, this looks pretty cool" They both stood in front of the skyscraper towering over them, its sleek and modern design gleaming in the sunlight. Glass windows reflected the puffy white clouds above, giving the illusion that the building could pierce through them.

"Yeah, it is pretty cool Nick, the revolution is underway" Leon responded with a heavy sigh.

The machines were putting the finishing touches on the building's interior, while peasant workers toiled in the gardens under the watchful eyes of guards who didn't hesitate to use violence. The workload was especially heavy that day because the gardens had to be completed by evening, for reasons that were not made clear, not that they ever explained anything to them anyway.

Suddenly, a familiar voice boomed from behind them, causing them to freeze in their tracks.

"Hey, what are you two doing just standing there?"

"It's Roonie," one of them whispered. They heard his footsteps nearing and their minds couldn't even phantom how much beatings they would get for slacking off. Nick and Leon exchanged nervous glances before turning around to face their menacing overseer. Roonie's disapproving gaze fell upon them, his mouth twisted into a snarl.

"You lazy fools," he growled, stepping closer until he was mere inches away from Nick's face. "Do you think the Great tower will build itself? Get back to work! The gardens need to be finished by sundown, or there will be consequences."

Nick swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew Roonie wasn't one to show mercy, especially not towards those who defied his orders. With a resigned nod, he and Leon scrambled back to their tasks, the weight of the impending punishment hanging over them like a dark cloud.

As they resumed their labor under the scorching sun, Leon couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. The Revolution was supposed to bring about change, freedom from oppression and inequality but again a slightest mistake from their part could lead to certain execution.

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