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Governor Montero parked in front of the grand gates of the Imperial Palace contemplating which steps he was going to take next because, knowing Riann she must have already found out most of the things he didn't  want her to find out.

The gates opened automatically and he entered slowly, mentally calculating how he was going to deal with what lay ahead. In the worst case, The Emperor already was convinced and that would mean he was there for something entirely different.

As he came to the end of the the very long driveway to the main entrance towards the parking he could se a skinny light-skinned man in a white suit and a cap on his head waiting for him. 

"Good day Governor! " He greeted when Montero descended and his car was taken away.

"Good day to you too!" They exchanged courtesy

"The Emperor wishes to see you immediately." Montero nodded.

"This way please!"  

Governor Montero nodded in acknowledgment and followed the man in the white suit towards the towering doors of the palace. His mind raced with various scenarios of what awaited him inside. The grandeur of the palace never failed to impress him, even during times of uncertainty like this.

They walked through the elaborate corridors, adorned with intricate paintings and golden chandeliers that bathed everything in a warm, ethereal light. Finally, they reached the doors to the Emperor's chambers.

The man in the white suit opened the doors, revealing a large room with high ceilings and plush velvet drapes. The Emperor sat on his throne, his expression unreadable. Governor Montero approached, bowing respectfully.

"Governor Montero," the Emperor began, his voice carrying authority and power.

"I have summoned you here for a matter of utmost importance."

Montero bowed deeply, trying to maintain an air of composure. "Your Majesty, I am at your service."

The Emperor's gaze bore into Montero, sending a shiver down his spine. "It has come to my attention that there have been reports of treason within our ranks; the kings. Rumors have it that King Frederick of Whales is planning a revolution and is today holding a meeting with the other kings to discuss just that."

"Your Imperial Highness, I am completely unaware of these rumors."

He quickly shuffled through his mind to find something else to say. Just how far had Riann gone?

"Your Imperial Highness, may I know from whom you got this news?"

Before he opened his mouth to say more, the doors flung open and in came his two daughters and Mico, the daughter of Alfred Penton; commander of Knightvalley armies. Great, more lives were in danger.

"Me," Riann spoke up, coming closer to her father. She looked over at Emperor Charles who immediately nodded at her for permission to speak. The Emperor had developed a deep sense of trust and respect for the young ladies in his presence and even if the Empress had advised against it, he still wanted to give them a chance to prove what they were saying.

" We have colleagues inside the great tower inspecting everything that is happening and it is according to their information and that of a number of peasant boys that we say Kings are planning a revolution to overthrow the Emperor and peasants are building a city that will become a capital once everything is finished."

Governor Montero felt a mixture of shock and pride as he listened to Riann's bold proclamation. She had always been headstrong and fearless, but this was beyond what he had imagined she was capable of. He glanced at Emperor Charles, whose expression remained stoic yet contemplative.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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