The great tower

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Present day....

'Its my stupid heart I know, refused to let you go...No matter how much I try I still hold your arm in my dream, my stupid heart believes that one day you'll be mine to give a forever...'

Riann looked at Leon quizzically as he sang with Martin Sinclair on their drive to Rojan.

" Let me guess... This is your favorite song."she stated and got a smile in return then giggled unbelievably.

"Leon! I thought you weren't into romance and heartbreak!" He laughed.

" I only like it because its rock and the way Martin Sinclair falls into the beat is just so beautiful. Its not the lyrics." he explained not even trying to look at her in the eye because his gaze would surely give him away 'My stupid heart' had been his favorite song since the first day he heard it because it was like the writer was in his place while writing the song. It reflected his long-term hidden feelings for Riann who obviously saw him as nothing more than a brother.

" Okay, its really good. The lyrics are too even if they're provoke sad feelings."

" Do I look sad?" He asked" No you look fine but for me, it makes me feel very sad. The poor guy can't control his stupid heart."

If only she knew.

" So, what do we do first of we arrive in Roja?' He asked trying to change the subject

" we visit Mario. Hopefully we will find him there"

" And then what? We ask him about something he has probably never heard of before?"

" No. I am sure he knows something. These people have ways of communicating, the problem here is, will he tell us anything? If we find him there."

" Good question. In that case I will have to speed this four wheeled machine up."

" And I need to buckle up hh" she laughed as she fastened her belt again.

The rest of the drive was filled with talks about memories from a couple of years back and all the failed attempts to find the king's weak spot and finally convince him to grant the peasants their freedom. They arrived in Roja without even noticing it.

" That was fast!"

" Pretty fast, you ready?"

" Born ready!" She opened the door and got out.

" I hope he is home" she said staring at Mario's house.

Sighing, Leon straightened his shirt and stood near her.

"Let's find out?" He said making his move first and Riann followed.

When Mario came face to face with them, he had a look of terror which immediately vanished at their sight. It was like he was expecting someone else.

" oh hey! Riann, Leon, its you guys! Come on in!" He said cheerfully but his voice was still trembling.

" Mario did you expect someone else?" Riann asked going in first after hugging Mario.

" No, I uh... Thought it was someone when I heard your car pull up but never mind. Do you guys want something to eat? My mother has cooked something delicious!"

" Great! Cause I am starving, three hours drive isn't short" Leon said making g himself comfortable in a worn out sofa in the middle of the tiny living room. Riann just sat on a chair near the sofa. The two was the only furniture in the room with a tiny table with unmatching color to any of them.

" okay, I will be right back" he run outside.

" Hey! Did you see that? He is expecting guests" Riann whispered. Mario was a short blond guy with wavy curly hair. He had blue eyes that reflected simplicity and dark pink lips. his body was bruised all over because of all the hard work he did everyday to go by. He was always wearing big tanks and shorts and slippers. He was normally cheerful and all laughs but that day he looked cold and down.

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