Dilemma I

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Thinking no one was up yet, Nicholas entered the already lit kitchen in search of something to eat before going off to the gardens and there he saw a happy Lyla dancing to whatever music playing in the headphones she wore as she made breakfast.

He leaned against the door flame and looked at her being her very self. she was so fun to watch that he feared it would take the whole day. She a wore a pink T-shirt tucked in a blue jeans and pink sandals, that was pink day maybe because even her lips were glossed faint pink and her usually tied curly hair was left to suspend freely. Was she trying to attract somebody with her cuteness, because  she had succeeded ,no matter how much he tried, his eyes just couldn't get off her.

"Good morning Nick! why are you standing there? come on! help me set the table, I need to go prepare the Prince's breakfast too!" she jubilated, removing the headsets as soon as she noticed him

coming back to reality, he came towards her with a smile.

"Sorry, I kind of got stuck in the doorway," He chuckled," Good morning! what's the occasion today? This like the first time I see you cooking, do you know that?" he got closer  to the counter and smelled the ready omelets. She had also made a fruit salad and toasted breads to go with everything

"I know, and maybe I will do it quite often. I tend to be nice when I had a beautiful dream, you know, and I feel like the dream fairies are going to visit me more often these days!"

"This looks yummy!" he observed "May I know why you look so happy?" he asked noticing how vibrant she was

"Let's just say that I had one of those fairy dreams! come on, lets set the table and I am so sorry I won't eat with you guys, I have to report to my job early today" she ran out of the kitchen with plates and he stayed behind to process her energetic mood and all of the sudden all the pieces if the puzzle fell into place. It was the Prince, he was the reason. She had made herself look all pretty for him.

"Hey! why are you standing there? come on!" She took the salad and ran out again.

'I hope he doesn't hurt you Lyla, because royals don't hang out with peasants. you should know that already.'  He silently said, his eyes still in her direction, then he picked up the juices and followed.

As soon as he had taken the first bite, Riann had already run out to the Prince

Ace descended the stairs feeling as good as ever. Maybe Lyla's soup was really that good or just thinking of her gave him a strange feeling of ease. Just as he was sure of his hard to ignore attraction to her, he was sure that nothing could ever go on between them so he had to end the previous night's short-lived dream as beautiful as it was.

That day he had woken up earlier than usual and he was sure she wasn't coming in for an other hour or so, deciding to skip her breakfast and maybe the rest of the day's meal, he went to the kitchen to eat whatever was in the fridge.

"Good morning! your majesty is up early! are you feeling well? I thought I would make you a good meal since you slept on an empty stomach, but you kind of caught me before I even put anything in the pan, don't worry I will be fast, I know you must be hungry" 

As unlucky as he was, she was the first thing he saw and she was looking as beautiful as ever, in pink and all smiles. He fought the urge to smile back because what reason did he even have to act all grumpy towards someone who has been nothing but nice?

what was she doing there at four thirty in the morning? he looked blankly at her, as if he had forgotten everything.

"Your majesty? is anything wrong? You don't look happy..." She came from behind the counter and closer to him looking all worried.

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