They are connected! I swear

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Fridays were thier favorites. Bars and nightclubs would be heated up and the vibe in the town would be lively and free. People would be sitting in the streets, talking, eating, drinking, laughing and listening to music. Some others would be dancing and taking videos but that community of course was for the young generation and some people in their thirties plus some exceptional old people.

Leon would drive up to everyone's house to pick them up. Since he was the party guy, he would always say where to hang out and they could most of the times stay up until three in the morning.

" I would face even the deadliest of all beasts, if that would mean keeping you safe, I would climb even the highest of mountains if I heard you were on the other side, I'd go down any depth to find you......."

Lindah observed everyone in the bar and how they were so taken by Mico's singing. It was not only the melody of the song that got hearts beating but also her voice and the way she fell right into the beat.

" What do you think happened to her eye?" Nick asked not getting his eyes off Mico who was on the stage doing a Karaoke.

" I think one of that bastard's punches got her"

" Her face is looking like a ripe mango" Nick commented and he got all of them laughing.

Mico's bruises had become something they had come to terms with. Most days she would be bruised on any part of her body. The worst would be her face but they had gotten used to. They had started to make jokes out of it.

" I swear that if I catch that dick head I will cut it off" Leon said still observing Mico as she sang life into the audience.

" What will you cut? His head or his dick?" Nick asked turning the serious sad environment to laughter. Some people on the nearby tables turned to look at them and they immediately went quiet.

" Nick, I swear you'll kill me" Lindah said trying to hold back a laugh. This guy always found a way to make them laugh even when they were sad.

" I will cut his dick for sure. That would make up for the beatings Mico and her mother get everyday" Leon said

" Hey Riann, what's up? You seem far in thought" Leon asked after noticing that Riann had said nothing since they arrived. She also did not laugh at Nick's words which she normally did.

"Uh, nothing, I am just thinking...." She adjusted her dennim short skirt and thought of escaping.

" Do you guys want to refill your glasses? I am heading to the barman!"

" yeah sure!" Leon and Lindah said at once and Nick just nodded.
She got up and took their glasses then went away.

" Is anything wrong with her?" Leon asked Lindah

" She has been acting weird since she came back from the market."

" What? Riann has gone to the market? Good heavens!" Nick exclaimed.

" That's what she said." Lindah said swaying her body to the rythm of the song Mico was singing

" What did she buy?" Leon asked.

" Nothing. She said nothing was to her liking. She spent four hours in the market and got nothing" Lindah said adding irony to her voice.

" That surely sounds like Riann." Nick said

" yeah, but something is not right about her. Its like she has a lot on her mind" Leon observed.

" Of course, she'll tell us soon, don't worry. She has that look she has when she is about to find a hidden treasure" Nick said and they laughed again remembering all Riann's past attempts to find out truths and how tragically it all had ended.

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