Chapter 8

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Valerie's pov:
I see Anna try and jump of the changing table and quickly  grab her before she gets hurt. " Don't jump of otherwise I am going to have to strap you back again ." I warn with a stern voice. "I am not fucking wearing that!"Anna shouts at me . "Do not shout or swear at me , you are a baby and baby's wear diapers so they don't have princess accidents. "I say to her. She looks at me in disbelief and shock as I powder and diaper her . I pick a pacifier up and try to put it in her mouth but she turns her head the other way and crosses her arms like child having a tantrum." Fine don't have it let's get you dressed ." I say a little disappointed that she didn't want it . I go and get a onesie that had cute cats on it with a background black. I go to her and she says she can put it on herself . I smirk at her struggling to put the clips at the bottom of her onesie . Her cheeks became hot red and asked me if I could help her put the clips. I put her clips and  picke her up on my hip. She turns to me and say " Why do I have to even wear these Valerie ? Must-t I wear this in public?" She asks me unsure.

"That's why I said we are goig to discuss this now baby" I smile at her nervous and embrassed face . When I was changing her I could tell she was fighting herself to not accept these things and I am glad she did.

I set her down on a chair and I sat down across the small table in her room and got a page and pen. "Anna this is going to be your rules Alright, if you don't feel okay with this then we will take it slow ." I tell in a soft voice. She nods and waits for me to tell her so she could write it down.

1. Always address me as mommy or mam . Any varietys of this will be okay to.
2. Respect other adults where ever you go.
3. No swearing or insulting mommy.
4. Use your words
5. Tell me if something is bothering you or you don't feel safe or comfortable.
6. Tell mommy when you need a change.
7. Bedtime at 10:00 max
8. If we go anywhere always stay close to mommy if she is not carrying you.
9. Do not talk bad about yourself
10. Do not shout use your inside voice

"Anything you want to change?" I ask looking at her.
"What if I don't follow those rules?" She asks me .
"That's why there is punishments ". I say and chuckle at her face go pale.

Conner time, early naps, spankings, plugs or any other suitable punishments .

I smirk at her blushed face ."There's also something else I want to discuss,  if you want you and I can be partners sexually that's up to you."

She looked at me with a smile and said "I wouldn't mind be partners but can we take it slow like you just kidnapped me ." She giggles slightly.

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