Chapter 19

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Anna's pov:

After 5 minutes of playing one of my favorite games Valerie picks me up and takes me to her private office again I look at her confused at what she's doing . She smiles at me with a sinister grin not the first time seeing that. She unlocks the door and sets me on the desk .
"Uhh what are you doing ?" I ask with pure confusion.
"Oh I just wanted to add something. " She says in a deeper voice than usual.
What the actual fuck ...she wants to add something! Add what!?
"What are you doing ?" I ask as she unclips my clothes and diaper .
"Mhmm". She says as she looks at me half undressed on the table . She starts rubbing my clit making wet , I moan at the undescriable feeling. Just as I was about to cum she stops , ugh not this again.
" why did you stop?" I cry out in frustration  as she smirks and adds a weird black device pushing it in just enough to bring back my last moan back . The questionable device touches my clit and is in me . Wtf is this thing .
"What is that?" I question as she keeps her smirk on .
"It is your punishment. " She says in a sinister way.
Okay fuck this what the fuck is this thing. She dresses me back up and picks me up and carries me out of her office and locks the door.
We enter the meeting room and this time she sets me in between the two shareholders of this company . As she sits where she originally sat I look at her in confusion.  She gives me a look to stay seated where she placed me . Louis walks in with another women who seems to have a deathstare placed on Louis . I see Valerie looking at the women with a stern look.  Who is this women ?
I get knocked out of my thoughts as my eyes widen in shock when I start to feel vibrations coming from down there.

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