Chapter 29

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Anna's pov:

I am a bit taken back that Valerie was a sub before and understood why she kept it a secret.
"I can't find her " Louis says out of breath from running after Valerie. Shit maybe I shouldn't have agreed, maybe she wouldn't have ran off . I walk out of the door with Iris and Louis tailing behind .
"Let's split up ." Iris says as I nod at her words . I go down the west wing of the hall. Until I pause when I hear soft sobs coming from the spare bedroom.
"Valerie?" I say as I hear shuffling from the other side of the door.
I try to open the door but it seems to be locked .
"Valerie please let me in" I say softly not wanting to make her feel down anymore . I hear a small click from the door knobs , I step forward to open .
"I'm sorry for lying to you . You probably think I'm a coward and liar . Are you mad?" She says as she holds back tears having a small voice crack .
What the hell ?! Why would I even be mad?!
"No Val I was never mad at you . I thought you would also want to explore you submissive side." I say to her as she looks up and gently smiles .
"Love you Anny " She says as I smile at her nickname she gave me a month ago .
"Love you too Val " I say as I hear heels click and stop by making me look up to a teary eyed Louis and Iris.
"Val I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset about we finish our discussion and maybe if you're feeling well later on we could watch a movie and eat popcorn and ice cream." Iris says as Valerie gets up and follows Louis. We all go sit down on the seats were we originally sat .
"Val its okay if you don't want to have that relationship again. "Louis says to Valerie as I smile at her hoping for an answear that would be yes . I love Val as my Dom and I would love her to also be my submissive partner too if she wants to . I really want to see her submissive side I had hope for over 4 weeks when we first met that I would see her submissive side but not once did I see it. She really hid been a switch well . I mean I did that to on the outside but on the inside I knew if some random stranger has stern voice and tells me to kneel I will kneel. Now that I think of that I wonder if Valerie also feels the same sometimes.
"It's not that I don't want to be in this relationship Louis and Iris, it's just that I got a bit overwhelmed when you told the truth to Anna. I thought she would think I'm a coward or a liar for not telling her...I will be yall's sub again on one condition that me and Anna also get some alone time ." Valerie says making me smile at her words damn I thought I was the clingy one.
"We accept." Iris says as Louis nods at her words making Valerie's eyes sparkle with joy .
" But we do have a new set if rules for both of you . You both can always debate whether you like it or not ." Louis says as me and Valerie looks her direction for the rules. To be honest I'm quiet nervous because Valerie said they take thing to extreme .
"I will later on print the rules of a paper so you both don't forget .
1. You will call me and Iris mommy or mama or master or misteress any of those variants.
2. No swearing coming from both of yall's pretty mouths.
3. You both will wear a protection layer 24/7.
4. Not back talking.
5. No running of unless you are holding one of our hands in public .
6. No interrupting when I or Iris speaks.
7. When me or Iris tells you to kneel you will kneel .
8. You both will wear collars .
9. No throwing tantrums of any kind .
10. You will not be allowed to pleasure yourself unless being told to .
You will get rewards but the rewards are decides by us.
Punishments :
Your first warning will be given and when you second warning comes it will be corner time . Third time you will definitely be sorry. "Louis says in stern voice making me shiver with fear and excitement .

I think I'm having way to much fun writing this 💀😭 .

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