Chapter 3

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Anna's pov:

I just finished my shift it's already 10:15 ,I am super fucking tired and I already had to deal with a asshole  customer  which made me even more tired . I just want to go home and rest ,sit on my crappy bed . I literally hate people at this point . All the transportation was only coming late so I decided to walk to my apartment and as tired as I was I decided  to take the short cut alley way . Yeah yeah I know it's dangerous  at night but out of a million  only one person would get in danger which is not me.

Fuckkkkkk my head hurts as fuck.
I heard vechile pull over I didn't bother until three buff men came up to me and blocked my way . I looked up since they were tall as fuck and said " Can you please move"
They did not move but instead one of them put me over their shoulder which I started screaming like a maniac.
" Get the fuck off me you bitch!!"
I shouted at them until one of them put a cloth over my mouth . It probably had a drug because  I instantly blacked out .
The last thought that was in my head was " fuck I am going to die"

I opened my eyes and saw a tall raven head women with green eyes looking at me with a sinister smirk ...she kinda looked hot though . What the fuck Anna snap out of it your kidnapped dumb bitch.

" Where the fuck am I and you the fuck are you ?" I say in a angry tone yet I am still dizzy from those morons that picked me up. I try and a tough though I want to cry until I pass out .

The strange women steps closer and lifts my chin up to her view she seems taller then me so she kneels down to my eye level while still having her pointer finger on my chin.

" Now that's not very polite little girl , your at a room and I am Valerie Pellion your mommy ."

What did she just say I don't think I heard right this stupid drug is making fall asleep . I pass out on the chair that I am tied up to .

My little flower. ( mdlg /bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now