Chapter 21

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Valerie's pov:

What did I ever deserve to have this little princess that is so sexy . I bite my lips at the thought of her in black lingerie damn I wonder how she would look .
"Mommy I wanna sleep" She says in a whiny voice which makes me laugh as I change her diaper and take out the vibrator.
"Mhmm you wanna sleep mhmm? How about we go to aunty Louis's office to take a nap huh?" I say in a soft tone as she looks at me with the most sweetest grin , I know she's planning something that grin is very familiar to me in punishments but I doubt that's going to happen since she already got punished . I pick her up and walk to Louis's office , we go on the 10th floor which is the last floor . I walk into her office without knocking which she and Rebecca gets startled by . What the actual fuck . Off all people in this world she's fucking making out with Rebecca .The fucking damn lady that wanted and still wants this company to go down in flames . I look at her and Rebecca with an irritated look , I feel my left eye twitching in frustration as Rebecca smirks at me and Anna.  Her eyes mainly stayed on Anna who was in my arms shocked of what she saw . Louis was quick to pick her clothes of the floor and put it back on her while Rebecca is still in her lingerie.
"What the fuck Louis we agreed this bitch wouldn't come near our company." I say in a calm but frustrated tone . Ann squirms in my arms she must be feeling uncomfortable in this atmosphere I rub her back to make her feel more comfortable and to remind her she's with me . The bitch laughs at this interaction which I get even more angrier . I walk up to the chair Louis sits in and set Anna down and I turn to the bitch and pick up her clothes and fling it in her face making her look at me in shock because I had never treated her like this . I walk up to her and pull her hair and push her outside with just her lingerie and clothes and shut the door. I turn to Louis and I see her put her hands up .
"Really?! Did you have to fuck her in here. Louis you and I know she's no good even Iris knows that . Why ?" I look at as I speak in a calm tone .
"Val I don't know." She says as she looks down on the floor . Iknpw she has done this multiple times...
"Fine . If I ever see her face again in this company I will literally kill her in my basement. " I say in a warning tone .

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