Chapter 33

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Anna's pov :

My plan died down slowly it was a lot harder than I thought . Iris was in her big headspace when I saw her . Mommy keeps cooing at me, making me feel a little small, but not so much since I asked her to let me walk after Iris kept teasing me . Ughhhh, I can't wait to go home . My legs gave up from all this walking . I need to sit or either be carried . I see Louis walking at the back of us, making me grin . My next victim . I slip out of mommy's hand quickly so she doesn't have enough time to grab my hand again and make it to Mama, who's already holding her hand out for me . I look at her as she smirks when Mommy gives her a glare . What are they on about ? Pfftt probably some stupid plan they made . I feel Mama pick me, making me squel .
"You don't have to scare me like that. You could've just asked ." I say as Louis looks at me with a fake confused face, making me pout .
"Yeah, but then what's the point if I don't scare you ? Plus, I think you  deserve it for slipping out of your mommy's grasp . " Louis says, making me glare at her. I pinch her neck for my tiny revenge as she hisses at the pain.
Mommy turns around to see what is all that noise about . She burst out laughing, seeing Louis rub her neck as I reached out for her . She takes me away from mean Louis . I look down to see Iris on her phone .
"Iris, whatcha doing ?" I ask as Iris looks up from her phone and smiles .
"Just some files for Mr.Roghter." Iris says, making Valerie stop at her tracks along with Louis .
"What?" Iris says as she looks at them confused . Who the hell is Mr. Roghter? Why does he seem so important?
"Mr . Roghter is back?" I thought you said he went to Norway for good." Valerie says as Iris and Louis look at each other. 
"Yes, he did go, but he wanted some business, and those files Iris sent are the final ties we will have with him." Louis says as Valerie hums and goes to get some milkshakes as she leaves me with Louis. Oh damn Louis and Valerie said, Iris  and I will get a surprise. I wonder what the hell is the surprise, though . I look at Iris, who is trying to steal my shoe, making me  whine at it as I try to wriggle out of her hold on my shoe .
"Louisss Iris taking my shoee" I say in a whiny voice to show how upset I am .
"Iris, come on leave, little Anna alone " Louis says, making me grin when I see Iris look at me .
"Baby" Iris says in a teasing tone, making me frown and show my middle finger at her . My favorite finger . My evil grin quickly drops when I see Valerie glaring at me and Iris, who also has her favorite fingers up. Oh shit. I'm screwed. Shit.
"We're both screwed. This is your fault ."  I say to Iris as she looks at me pale .
"No, don't say that either way we are both getting punished. "Iris whispered, so Louis didn't get our attention since she's on her phone . Making me go even paler.  Valerie said if I swore or showed my favorite fingers again, she would not just put me in the corner ... maybe it wouldn't be so bad with Iris also getting punished .

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