Chapter 14

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Valerie's pov:

I catch my little Anna checking me out , I stare at her with curiosity as she licks her lips while looking at me . Once she sees that I am staring at her she stops and she goes red I find this so funny the waiter brings her milk and winks at me I give her a smile and ask my baby must I help her drink her milk since she's just staring at it with a blank face .
"No mama I can drink my milk" She says in somewhat of a big girl voice . I chuckle to my self and she just gives me a proud smile.

After about an hour of discussing the financial ratings and the results of the Littles we are helping , Anna askes me to go to the bathroom which I say yes since I'm focusing on what Louis is saying .
After Louis is done with his concerns Jacob one of the manager's at this community speaks about the less concerning stuff and I bring back my focus that Anna went to the bathroom alone even though she's wearing a diaper it's quite fishy . Just as I speak of my suspious little comes back from the bathroom looking happy .

Just then the boardroom meeting takes a break for a small amount of time then they will continue this meeting. I go pick up Anna in my arms and feel a lack of protection I glare at her as she just looks down she knows she fucked up .

I whisper in her ear as we are walking to the cafeteria .
"We will have a very long and nice lunch break with your little ass and plug." I say in a sinister voice as I hear a gulp go down her throat . Oh she is in for it now she knows better not to disobey me and take the stuff I put on her out .

My little flower. ( mdlg /bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now