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Anna's pov:

We got into the limo that Douglas drives, I wonder where we are going?
"Ma'am where we going ?" I ask Valerie, I had to say ma'am because I am still in pain from that punishment . Like what the fuck . I am dressed in such childish clothes to go anywhere normally Valerie would dress me up in normal clothes if we had to go anywhere in public. Not many people has seen me in baby clothes , yes they have seen me wear a diaper because of my jeans . I even tried bargaining with Valerie not to make me wear a diaper but all she has done has done was ignore me . Like the fuck.
"Both of us are going to a meeting . I want you to be on your best behavior unless you want me to add to your punishment ." Valerie says with a evil smirk on her face . My face drops of curiosity and goes pale...fuck I can't take another punishment but it's really fun seeing her mad it's hot.
"What type of meeting?" I say facing her now.
"We are going to the gallone community  meeting . " She says with a smile as she pulls me onto her lap. I looked at her eyes that shine bright as day and her hair that is dark as night...she beautiful.
I scan her body , her perfect breast ,her pink red lips, her pale skin ,her curves are magnificent.

"Miss Pellion do you or Miss Anna need anything?"
"No Doug it's fine thank you for asking ."
I snap out of my thoughts when Valerie says " baby do need anything?"
I shake my head no and lay my head to rest on chest that is so soft. I inhale her scent as she rubs my back . I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier .

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