Chapter 30

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Alright so I think I went a little bit to fast with Valerie's agreement and I apologize for that. But in this chapter you will see Valerie's point of view and how she wants things to be like .

Valerie's pov:

I frown at the rules and stand up looking at Louis and Iris.
"Guys I understand I agreed to being a sub to yall but I feel like me and Anna would also like to discuss this ." I say with dominace in my voice making Iris nod .
"Ofcourse like me and Iris said that you both with have free will over this." Louis says as she stands up with Iris following close behind , closing the door to give me and Anna privacy .
I sit down next to Anna and take her hands in mine.
"Ann I understand you would like to experiment but I don't think we should move this fast ...I wouldn't mind being a sub to them for you but I don't want to be fully a sub I would still love to be a Dom. Looking after you and loving you is what I love doing and I don't think I'm willing to give it all up. I understand if you are upset with me for having second doubts or for being stubborn ." I say as I sigh in relief that finally got all of that tension out of my mind.
Anna looks at me surprised as she tightens her grip on my hands in a reassuring way making me smile at her .
"I agree with all your decisions Val. You are doing what's best for us not only for me or you but for us ." Anna says as she hugs me . I stand up with her going to Louis's office knowing very well she's in there with Iris. I knock on the door as I turn the knob opening the door. Anna and me takes a seat by the couches where Louis and Iris are sitting .
"Okay . First of I do not want to be a sub . I do not want follow those rules . I am a Dom to Anna and I will always be a Dom to her no matter what. I hope you guys aren't upset with what I'm saying . But I would like to continue our discussion with yall." I say as I keep my usual poker face on. I do not want to seem weak like before when we had Sidney. Yes I got overwhelmed before because I was scared of what Anna would think of me . I made stupid and fast decision saying that I will agree to being a sub since I was still on a roller coaster of emotions. But I'm sure that Louis and Iris will not have a problem with this .
"That is completely okay Val we didn't think you really agreed so that is why when you said you wanted to discuss with Anna we agreed to leave ." Louis says making me nod in agreement.
"I want to be Dom ...and you said about a week ago that Iris was a switch ." I say as Louis nods in agreement.
"So?" Iris says making me look at her with a smirk . As she widens her eyes realizing where I'm going . Hah she thought that I was going to be a sub but looks like the tables have turned Iris.
"I was thinking if I was a Dom with both of yall then Anna was going to be the sub . But since Iris is a switch I was thinking she could be a sub to me and you Louis. " I say as I smile in victory when Iris flips her middle finger at me .
"That's a good idea Val, what do you think Anna and Iris?" Louis says making me smile with clear joy showing on my lips.
"I think that would be great I would have aDom and I will still have my mommy " Anna says making me pull her on my lap as I cuddle her . We all look at Iris waiting for an answear from her . Well well well look how the tables have turned . Just like in highschool . I wanted to burst out laughing seeing the shocked expression on Iris's face as she glares at me .
"Yes I am willing to give it a try ...but I'm not well fully submissive... Louis had been training me for 2 weeks but I think I still need a bit training. "She says as we nod in agreement. Well this is fucking exciting . I'm glad it turned out this way . I smile as Anna kisses my cheek making Louis chuckle and making Iris smile.

Well I hope you guys are happy with this chapter 🤣😁.
I hope yall have a good day or night 😌🫡 .

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