Christmas 🤶 Special

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This one shot chapter is when Louis , Valerie and Iris was in college . I hope yall enjoy 😌 and Merry Chrismas ❤️.

Valerie's pov:
I hear Louis and Iris enter the dorm room and I quickly grab a towel as I walk out of the shower entering my room only find Louis and Iris already there looking at me with a smirk.
"What ?" I say bitterly  as Louis and Iris stands up blocking my way to reach my closet.
"Is that the way to speak to your master and mistress or shall I say mama and mommy." Louis says it in a teasing tone as I feel cold air hit my skin making me look down to see Iris grabbed my towel.  I frown at her as I try to grab it back.
"Nope you know the rules Missy,  no wearing clothes until we tell you or put them on you." Iris says as I look down on the floor hopeless. 
"Bend over the bed ." Louis says in a stern voice making me feel scared and excited . Maybe she will give me pleasure since I have only been punished so far.
I feel a hard sharp sting hit my ass making me whimper when I feel Iris put a collar with a leash around me.
"Now you are going to listen to your mommy . If you make a noise even a whimper I will put nipple clamps on you and make you sit with a plug and a diaper for the rest of the day , do you understand?" Iris says as I nod immediately making Louis and Iris raise their eyebrows.
"You need to use your words ." Louia says softly .
"Yes I understand mommy " I say as I look down at the sheets . I feel a tug at my neck making me look at Louis who already has her dick out . My eyes widen at the size of it , it has to be extra large making whimper in fear catching Louis's attention.
"We can go slow ." Louis says as I nod , wait did she say we , I quickly turn to Iris to see that she had the same size . I gulp at the realization where those things are going.
"Stand up." Louis says as she goes out of the room following Iris. Louis sits on the couch as Iris stands next to the couch .
Louis pats her lap making look at her confused.
Iris slowly but gently pulls the leash making me go forward .
I sit on Louis's lap as she pushes her dick down so it doesn't go in.  She kisses my lips as Iris kisses my neck making whimper . Making both of them stop, Iris leaves and comes back with nipple clamps I whine at this since I already have to put them on , I didn't even damn start  getting fucked.
"Enough of your whining. Otherwise we will punish you .'' Iris says as I take the nipple clamps like a champ .
They go back to kissing my neck and lips until I feel Louis's full length dick enter me making squirm.
Louis smacks my ass making me grip onto her shirt since she only took her jeans out and unbuttoned her shirt.
I feel Iris rub lube at my second hole making tear up when she also enters her full length in my making moan in pain and pleasure.
They slowly move in and out making me hold onto the sofa for dear life as Louis kisses my lips every few minutes .
"S-s your tearing m-me " I manged to get out.
"Good then maybe you wouldn't want to agree with a threesome with Stacy at the party . Now be good girl for mama and take it '' Louis says as I tilt my hair little back when I feel them going faster making me have a strong orgasm.
My eyes tear up when they don't stop making me feel another orgasm .
"Ah ahah master ...mistress ." I say out of breath as they pull out . I almost fell to the floor from having my legs give up making Louis carry me to the room to clean me up with Iris.  Once I was cleaned up they helped me in my pj's.  Louis picked me up as I rested my head on her shoulder making her rub my back in return. Louis sat down next to Iris as she covers us with her fluffy blanket . I move to Iris to sit on her lap as I lean my head on her chest making her chuckle as she kisses my forehead.
"Someone's sleepy ". She says as I whine and snuggle deeper .

Alright some of yall might be shocked about this one shot. Explanation.
Iris and Louis are intersex.
Valerie was a sub before she became fully a Dom.  And if you read a few chapters before this you will find out that Iris is a switch . So Louis and Iris were fully doms when they were in highschool and college.  While Valerie kept a dominant role outside but inside she was sub at that time.
😅😌❤️💚Merry Christmas guys 💚❤️

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