Chapter 16

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Valerie's pov:

As I was about to give another slap on her pretty ass I stop half way seeing her glossy pussy . I take my index finger and slide it up on her juices . She moans as I do . Well well well looks like my little princess is feeling like queen today mhmm . Change of plans on punishing her I will do that later for now let me tease her , I chuckle to my self and bend down to her ear . " Wet now huh ? "
"Huh uh" She says after a whimper .
I take my two fingers push threw since shes so wet she could even take my whole hand . She moans my name as I slide in and out . I move in a faster pace  and circle her clit as I do . She is close to her orgasm just as she was about to cum I pull out .
"Tsk tsk tsk good girls only get rewards." I say in a evil tone . She whines and starts squirming.  I slap her little ass hard "mhmm I don't think whining will solve this little girl ...maybe if you show me how good you are I will give you your pleasure ." I say in a seductive tone .
"P-please i-i will be good." She says in a soft voice.
I pick her up and set her on the desk and clip her clothes back . She whines at this and I give her glare and she immediately looks down on her lap . I didn't bother putting a diaper on her since I have other plans on my mind. I smirk at my thoughts and look back to my princess who looks so innocent not knowing what I have in stored for her .
"Baby you know I love you right ?" She looks up at me with teary eyes and nods ." We still have time to get some ice cream ." Her eyes lites up at the word ice cream and I laugh and tickle her sides making a rampage of laughter coming from her pretty lips . I kiss her lips and forehead and carry her out the office .

My little flower. ( mdlg /bdsm)Where stories live. Discover now