Chapter 12

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Valerie's pov:
I see Anna is in a deep sleep so I decide to call Louis . I did inform Iris that I would be attending since I invested 12million in the gallone community. I dial his number almost immediately he picks up .
"Hey Louis. "
"Hello Val you called earlier sorry I couldn't pick up I got stuck in the conference meeting."
"It's fine Louis I just wanted to inform you I am attending the gallone meeting with Anna if that's fine."
"Yes yes no problem other doms will also be bringing their Littles and subs so don't worry about it."
"Thanks Louis have a good day".
"You too Val. "
I hang up and look down at my little princess  that's soundly sleeping on my chest. I look at my phone to see there is new messages . I don't bother checking them out since there photos and some texts I will deal with that when I come back from this meeting.

The car  finally stops and we pull over to the gates of the community's building premises.  Douglas jumps out of the car as I wake Anna up from her nap . She looks up at me with droopy eyes damn she's so cute .
"Hey love you need to wake up baby ." I say in a soft voice trying not to make her angry since she just woke up.
"Ugh we're here?" She says in a groany voice.
I chuckle at her behavior and pick her up and set her on my hip getting her bag . Douglas take her bag from my hands and starts walking us to the building. She starts squirming in my arms so I set her on her feet and hold her hand .
"No I want you to carry me" She says whining as she makes grabbyhands at me . I pick her up and walk towards the building with Douglas by my side.

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