Chapter 9

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1 month later ...ya know I'm kinda lazy*

Valerie's pov:

I am currently holding Anna in my arms as I walk threw the grand stairs. She really adjusted well to the lifestyle quite quick to , which I am happy for . I finally get to be a mommy...well a platonic mommy just for since she said she doesn't want to go quick so I agreed .
It's quite hard keeping my hands to my self...really hard but I have managed this far I can do this.

I make my way to the kitchen and greet marcy since she is the top maid of the house . She sets some plates down and dishes up her homemade porridge for Anna and I . I watch as Anna plays with her food in my lap and I tell her in a stern voice " Anna eat your food or I will make you eat it." She looks at me with a evil smirk and throw a spoonful of porridge on my face. I get up now angry that I am messed and pick her up from the chair I got up from. And walk angrily to her bedroom . I set her in her crib and pull the bars up as I walk to wash my face. When I am finished I wipe my myself with a towel and meet a smirking Anna looking at me with her legs crossed.

"Anna Marie why did you do that " I say in a angry tone . She gives me a sinister look and says " I don't have to answer Valerie." I look at her shocked but not surprised since she has been doing this tantrums or misbehaving for weeks because  I have been letting it slip because  I was getting soft when she did something cute. Well now things have changed this is going to be a very harsh first punishment." It's mam to you Anna and yes you have to answer to me ." I argue back in a Dom tone.
"Or what " She spits back.

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