Chapter 28

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Valerie's pov:

"Valerie August Pellion!" Louis shouts making me flinch . I try to maintain my dominace inside of me before I lose it .
I glare at her for using my middle name which I hate .
"Oh don't give me that look Valerie, you have no right to speak to me or Iris like that. I came to this room to inform you that you have not sent the files to me . And especially to come and discuss some important things with you but I guess I will have a different reason now and that reason will be a punishment. I let you get away with alot of stuff since you had Anna with you but you are no more getting away with stuff." Louis says making me pause . Normally when I was in college, if it was a minor issue like not eating my veggies or not eating then I would get sent to that dumb corner . But most of the time I was rather mischievous and would often get spankings . But she wouldn't do that would she ? Because I mean like after all I'm a Dom too .
I feel a hand wrap around my wrist with a tight grip making me try to wiggle out of it until Louis spanks my bottom extremely hard making me jump in return.
"Louis what are you doing ? I thought you said I don't have to follow the rules anymore." I say as Louis does not listen to me and drags me over to the couch .
Louis was always the dominant one, she is the most dominant out of me and Iris.
She sits me down next to her taking me by surprise .
"Val me and Iris needs to discuss something important with you . We know you and Anna agreed to have an open relationship with us-" Louis says as she looks up . I slightly shift my body to see what she was looking at only to find Iris looking at me with an extremely angry face.
"I think what Louis is saying is that me and her needs to have a discussion with you and Anna. " Iris says making me look behind her to see a fully awake Anna staring at me with confusion .
Anna and Iris sits opposite us as I look at my lap in guilt. I should have told Anna instead of just hiding the truth from her. I feel Iris's eyes burning into my head making shift a little closer to Louis.
"Valerie would you like to explain to Anna or should I?" Iris says in serious tone making me feel nervous at how Anna is going to react.
"Explain what ?" Anna says as she looks at me for an answear.
"Mhmm seems like your mommy does not want to budge , so I will explain...when me , Louis and Valerie was in college and highschool Valerie was our sub and we were her doms . But when she decided she wanted to explore more of her dominant side she went on a search for a little . " Iris says as Anna processes what Iris said.
"Well that's abit shocking but what's your point ". Anna says softly as she looks at me .
"The point is that me and Iris wanted to have a very important discussion with you and Valerie. We would want Valerie and you to be our subs . But it's fine if you don't want to agree Anna. I know you want to also explore Anna and me and Iris would love to have you and Valerie as our subs . " Louis says to Anna making me look at Anna in shock when she nods her head .
"I would love to try something new. " She says turning to me . Iris and Louis looks at me , I know their waiting for an answear . I don't know if I'm actually sure about this . What if Anna sees me as a coward or a liar. I don't say anything to none of them as
I stand up and walk over to the door and run as fast as I can to one of the spare bedrooms . I lock the door behind me making me sigh in relief that I'm away from all that tension. I sink down to the floor feeling tears drop on my knees.
What must I do now ?

Boom. Well that was like an explosion of emotions 💀. I hope yall are enjoying well this "secret plot" that I was planning for a few weeks😅.
I hope yall have a good day or night 🫶.

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